MP’s Ruddington Pothole Pledge

Rushcliffe’s Member of Parliament is promising to take action after being contacted by residents across our village complaining about the many potholes and deteriorating road surfaces here in Ruddington right now. On a flyer delivered to Ruddington households, Ruth Edwards MP says: “Working with your local county councillor, l have been collating these issues. In particular, Asher Lane, Mere Way and Flawforth Lane have all been highlighted. l also know there are some more general concerns about road maintenance and the deterioration of the road surface across the village, particularly between Ruddington and…

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Ruddington Pub Plans Approved

A revised planning application with a slightly scaled down extension to an historic Ruddington public house has been approved by Rushcliffe Borough Council (RBC). Original plans revealed in July, to substantially expand The Frame Breakers at the corner of High Street and Kirk Lane by way of a three storey side extension with two storey side and rear extension to the existing building, received a negative reaction from some villagers and Ruddington Parish Council.  Consequently these proposals were withdrawn before even being put in front of the authority’s planning committee for consideration. The revised extension, once…

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Watch Your Speed!

Scenes such as the one above could soon become commonplace in our village if a planned Ruddington road safety initiative gets off the ground. Ruddington Parish Council (RPC) is currently on the lookout for ‘Community Speed Watch’ volunteers to assist the police with tackling the problem of speeding vehicles at trouble-spots such as Loughborough Road (above), Wilford Road and Clifton Road, to name just three. It’s been an ongoing concern for many residents, and was even the focus of a meeting last year at the Ruddington Arms organised by our MP Ruth…

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Bravo to the Breakers!

A popular Ruddington inn has beaten off some stiff competition to win this year’s vote as the ‘Best Pub in Rushcliffe’. The annual awards are run by Rushcliffe MP, Ruth Edwards, who again conducted a public poll on her website before announcing the results this weekend to celebrate ‘Small Business Saturday’. Having come second in 2022, this year The Frame Breakers on High Street triumphed over runners-up The Bulls Head in East Leake and The Air Hostess in Tollerton as Ruth’s constituency’s very best public house. Sophia’s in Keyworth won…

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Best Local Shop & Pub Competition Returns

The annual contest run by Rushcliffe’s Member of Parliament in the run-up to each year’s ‘Small Business Saturday’ has just been launched. It’s when Ruth Edwards MP asks residents in her constituency to nominate and vote for both their favourite independent shop and the public house they love most – and Ruddington certainly has some strong contenders in both categories! Previous runners-up in our village have been The Bottle Top and Philo’s Deli (pictured top with Ruth) – who both could be in contention again – alongside other, popular Ruddington establishments. Ruth believes…

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MP & Councillors’ Open Letter to Bloor Homes

Frustrated residents next to the new Ruddington housing development off Wilford Road have received some high profile backing in their bid to proceed with the agreed tree planting there as part of ‘The Queen’s Green Canopy’ (QGC). MP for Rushcliffe Ruth Edwards and Ruddington’s three Rushcliffe Borough Councillors – Jen Walker, Mike Gaunt and Graham Fletcher – have all signed an Open Letter to the owner and Directors of Bloor Homes Ltd. It’s after the developer’s regional office suddenly reneged on its promise to allow room for a row of trees…

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Police Praise Ruddington Drivers

Motorists entering our village via one of its northern gateways are being praised for doing better at obeying the speed limit than when Nottinghamshire Police previously carried out checks there. When Rushcliffe South neighbourhood officers last brought their radar gun to Wilford Road in September 2022 they recorded three vehicles still doing in excess of 35mph along the main, built-up stretch. That’s well after where the 30mph limit now begins (due to the new ‘Fairham Green’ housing development) and despite a flashing sign to alert drivers to their speed as they pass Sellors’ Playing Field.…

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Watch Your Speed!

Neighbourhood Officers from Nottinghamshire Police have been in Ruddington again this afternoon carrying out speed checks on traffic entering our village along Wilford Road. Despite the 30mph limit now starting sooner, due to the new Bloor Homes development, with even a flashing sign to alert motorists to their speed as they pass Sellors’ Playing Field, they report that three vehicles were recorded still doing in excess of 35 mph along the main, built-up stretch. The offending drivers were dealt with by way of ‘Traffic Offence Reports’ – meaning they are…

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Ruddington’s MP Withdraws Her Backing for Boris

Our representative in Parliament has performed something of a U-Turn today in a letter to the Prime Minister – saying that “with great sadness” quitting her current Parliamentary role has become necessary in order to keep her “self respect intact”. MP for Rushcliffe, Ruth Edwards, has previously stood firmly behind Boris Johnson, publicly supporting him in the ‘no confidence’ vote only a month ago when 148 other Conservative MPs voted to oust him from Downing Street. Despite many constituents writing asking her to vote otherwise, Ms Edwards revealed on social media she…

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Ruddington Residents Air Crime Concerns

With Ruddington’s reported crime rate more than doubling during April*, this week village residents had the opportunity to meet up and discuss the issue of policing our village with Rushcliffe MP Ruth Edwards and representatives from Nottinghamshire Police. It follows the distribution of a ‘Ruddington Crime Survey’ to all households here last September asking villagers to give our views on crime and policing in our community. Ruth invited everyone who responded to the survey to meet her and police representatives in the Ruddington Arms this week, to discuss issues raised.…

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