Residents’ Survey Returns

Householders in Ruddington are being encouraged to take part in the latest residents’ survey which has been launched by Rushcliffe Borough Council (RBC). The authority is inviting all who reside in our village – and within the wider Borough – to have our say on Council services and life in the area. Carried out every three years, the survey asks residents to answer questions about their satisfaction with a range of services that the Council offers, their feeling of being safe in their community and where they feel the Borough can…

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Police Appeal After Man Attacked and Robbed in Ruddington

Nottinghamshire Police is appealing for any further witnesses to come forward after a man was attacked and robbed of his mobile phone in our village and left needing hospital treatment. The incident happened last Sunday, 14th July, between 10.00pm and 10.40pm in Oliver Drive, Ruddington. The 58-year-old victim was making his way home from the Victorian Tavern when he was punched. His mobile phone was then taken. Concerned members of the public contacted the police and the victim was taken to the Queen’s Medical Centre. His injuries were not serious.…

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New Speedwatch Team Spotting Speeding Drivers

Speeding motorists in Ruddington are being monitored by a new volunteer group. The ‘Community Speedwatch Team’ have been out on their first roadside operations checking on speeding car drivers. They were armed with a speed gun, paperwork, hi-vis jackets plus yellow roadside signs. During the early morning rush hour this morning (Thursday June 20th) a team in Clifton Lane monitored 1,200 cars in 90 minutes. Two drivers were recorded driving significantly above the 30mph speed limit. One was going at 39mph, the other at 41mph. Many pedestrians, cyclists and drivers voiced or signalled their…

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Ruddington’s Election Candidates & Results*

If you haven’t already voted by post, here’s a timely reminder of the names on the ballot papers for villagers to choose from at this week’s (two) local elections. On Thursday 2nd May 2024, we’re urged to have our say on both who we’d like to lead the ‘Combined County Mayoral Authority’ and which candidate should be our next ‘Police and Crime Commissioner’. It’s Ruddington’s chance to help choose the first-ever elected East Midlands Mayor; after local councils gave the green light for a £1.14billion devolution deal for our region. We’re also voting…

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Register Now to Vote in May

Villagers will be heading to the polls again, on Thursday 2nd May 2024, to take part in the ‘Combined County Mayoral Authority’ and ‘Police and Crime Commissioner’ elections. It’s Ruddington’s chance to help choose the first-ever elected East Midlands Mayor; after local councils gave the green light to devolution for a £1.14billion devolution deal for our region. We’ll also be able to vote for who should be the next Nottinghamshire Police and Crime Commissioner; who’s responsible for policing across the county and delivering an effective and efficient police service. In order…

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‘Troubled’ Ruddington Arsonist Sent to Prison

A village resident has ended up in gaol after he set fire to his own flat. As first reported last autumn, Stephen Pritchard, prompted an emergency evacuation when he started fires in multiple rooms of the property in Dunblane Road in Ruddington on the evening of Thursday 12th October 2023. As his neighbours watched from outside, 32-year-old Pritchard was rescued from his flat on the second floor of the block by firefighters who guided him down a ladder. Thankfully no-one was injured and the blaze was soon extinguished. Pritchard immediately…

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Teenager Arrested Over Allotment Thefts

Police are appealing for anyone with further information to come forward after two separate incidents at a Ruddington allotments within just three weeks. ‘Hareham Gardens Allotments’, at the corner of Musters Road and Asher Lane, was first targeted on the night of November 24th/25th after several sheds were broken into and tools reportedly worth around £500 stolen from one of them. Then, on the night of December 13th, nearby residents reported another break-in at the allotments to the police. Officers attended Asher Lane at around 12.40am on 14th December 2023 and…

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Watch Your Speed!

Scenes such as the one above could soon become commonplace in our village if a planned Ruddington road safety initiative gets off the ground. Ruddington Parish Council (RPC) is currently on the lookout for ‘Community Speed Watch’ volunteers to assist the police with tackling the problem of speeding vehicles at trouble-spots such as Loughborough Road (above), Wilford Road and Clifton Road, to name just three. It’s been an ongoing concern for many residents, and was even the focus of a meeting last year at the Ruddington Arms organised by our MP Ruth…

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Ruddington Man Arrested After Cocaine Seizure

A suspect from our village has appeared in court after Nottinghamshire Police found multiple wraps of crack cocaine when they raided a house. Officers made the discovery when they executed a warrant at a property in Middle Furlong Gardens, The Meadows, Nottingham, on Friday (17th November) at around 2.25pm. As well as the Class A drugs, it’s reported the officers also found a quantity of cannabis, mobile phones and weighing scales in the kitchen of the address. A man and two women found inside the property were arrested. A 35-year-old Ruddington…

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Double Car Theft Arrest in Ruddington

Nottinghamshire Police have revealed two suspects were arrested in our village within the space of a few minutes this week thanks to a new crackdown on car thefts. Operational Support and Response officers have stepped up targeted patrols around the Edwalton area, following a recent rise in vehicle theft reports there, and were carrying out one such patrol when a car was taken from a local driveway. Within minutes of receiving that report, at around 3.15am yesterday (Monday 23rd October), police spotted the vehicle in Ruddington, along Kirk Lane. The car was…

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