Planting Plots and Pumpkin Patch Plans for Ruddington

Just over two years’ ago, residents of the Ruddington Grange area discovered (with some dismay) that plans had been submitted to Rushcliffe Borough Council (RBC) to create an archery range in the field adjacent to their properties. More alarmingly still, this was reportedly to be followed by a planning application for the proposed change of use of all of this remaining ‘green belt’ land on the eastern side of Wilford Road away from agriculture to sports and recreation. Following numerous local objections, this particular scheme was eventually shelved. However, concerns were raised again…

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Thousands Raised During ‘Open Gardens’ Event

Organisers of last weekend’s ‘Ruddington Open Gardens’ have revealed it was another great success – securing well over £6,000 to split between their two chosen kids’ charities. For the fourth time, on Saturday & Sunday 1st & 2nd July 2024, people across our village allowed public access to their own green spaces, for a one-off payment of £5, to help raise funds for Save the Children and Action for Children. Jane Piggott says: “The huge success was thanks to the tremendous support of local gardeners and allotment holders, village businesses, the Ruddington Yarn Ninjas,…

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‘Open Gardens’ Countdown Begins

The organisers of a popular, village weekend – which takes place only every other year – say programmes for this summer’s event are now on sale. Ruddington Open Gardens 2024 is being held on Saturday and Sunday 1st and 2nd June from 2pm until 6pm. This time around, 13 private gardens around the village will open for viewing, plus the gardens at The Cottage Hotel and behind the Debbie Bryan Gallery on High Street. Hareham Gardens and Paradise Gardens allotments will also be open to the public. ‘Live’ music is…

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Will You Open YOUR Garden for Charity?

After returning post-pandemic in 2022, it’s been confirmed the (usually) biennial ‘Ruddington Open Gardens’ event is being staged again this summer. In fact, planning is already underway for Saturday 1st and Sunday 2nd June 2024, when gardens and allotments in our village will be opening in aid of two charities from 2.00pm to 6.00pm on both days. As previously, all proceeds from the event will be split between Save the Children and Action for Children. Residents willing to participate in this year’s two-day horticultural feast are now being invited to get in touch.…

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Teenager Arrested Over Allotment Thefts

Police are appealing for anyone with further information to come forward after two separate incidents at a Ruddington allotments within just three weeks. ‘Hareham Gardens Allotments’, at the corner of Musters Road and Asher Lane, was first targeted on the night of November 24th/25th after several sheds were broken into and tools reportedly worth around £500 stolen from one of them. Then, on the night of December 13th, nearby residents reported another break-in at the allotments to the police. Officers attended Asher Lane at around 12.40am on 14th December 2023 and…

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Get Ready for our Village Show!

For Ruddington horticulturists who enjoy showing others what we’ve grown, whether at home or in our allotment, September is always keenly anticipated. It’s the month when green-fingered residents of all ages gather for the annual ‘Village Horticultural Show’ organised by Ruddington Gardeners’ Association (RGA). This year it’s happening on Saturday 16th September in St Peter’s Rooms and entry is still FREE for everyone. As usual it’s open to the public from 11.00am to 4.00pm with staging of exhibits from 8.00am to 9.30am and judging from 9.30 to 11.00am. RGA’s Mike Davey says: “Please support the show…

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Further Funding in Paradise

A group that runs a Ruddington allotment has secured more vital cash to support its gardening space which aids residents’ health and mental wellbeing. The Rushcliffe Social Prescribing Group co-ordinates a plot at the ‘Paradise Gardens’ allotments, off Wilford Road, and has received the grant from Rushcliffe Borough Council’s ‘Reach Rushcliffe Fund’. It builds on the group first getting funding in 2021 with the money helping to purchase essentials and making the site accessible. It’s provided an additional pathway for patients of social prescribing to access this space, leading to excellent attendance over the…

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And THIS Year’s ‘Green-Fingered’ Winners are…

Another keen, Ruddington allotment holder is celebrating being awarded both a trophy and year of ‘free’ gardening after scooping first prize in a friendly, annual contest. This time Julia Adams (pictured above with judges, John Hawson and Ange Goodman) has won ‘The Best Allotment on Hareham Gardens’ for 2023 from the James Peacock Bread Charity. It not only owns all the allotments bordered by Asher Lane and Musters Road, but also regularly makes donations of money and produce to Ruddington residents in need. Julia follows in the footsteps of last year’s winners Sue Hallam…

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Adopt a Flower Bed!

An imaginative volunteering idea has been unveiled by a Ruddington tourist attraction aiming to get all generations involved at its village centre heritage site. The Framework Knitters’ Museum on Chapel Street has launched a campaign to find two ‘green fingered’ families over the summer holidays. Those chosen will adopt a flower bed, in the museum’s gardens, and be given British cottage flowers to tend to once a week throughout June, July and August. Families will also explore and identify the type of plants and flowers, how best to care for them, their…

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Historic Hedgerow Ripped Out “in Error”

The house-builder currently constructing 175 new properties on former Ruddington Green Belt south of Musters Road says a contractor removed a large section of mature hedgerow there by mistake. Gardeners from ‘Buttercup Allotments’ off Asher Lane were alerted to the totally unexpected loss of their boundary hedge when a contractor working for Avant Homes suddenly starting digging it out on Maundy Thursday. When the allotments’ owner Brian Booker rushed onsite to challenge them, protesting that removal of this hedgerow was definitely not in Rushcliffe Borough Council‘s approved plans for ‘Wilbur Chase’,…

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