Planting Plots and Pumpkin Patch Plans for Ruddington

Just over two years’ ago, residents of the Ruddington Grange area discovered (with some dismay) that plans had been submitted to Rushcliffe Borough Council (RBC) to create an archery range in the field adjacent to their properties. More alarmingly still, this was reportedly to be followed by a planning application for the proposed change of use of all of this remaining ‘green belt’ land on the eastern side of Wilford Road away from agriculture to sports and recreation. Following numerous local objections, this particular scheme was eventually shelved. However, concerns were raised again…

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A Feast of Free Trees!

For the past six years, Ruddington residents have been offered the chance to make our properties greener by applying for ‘free trees’ from Rushcliffe Borough Council (RBC). Over 10,000 trees have been distributed since the start of this campaign in 2018. In previous years the authority has given villagers an option of TWO trees to apply for. For 2023 the choice has been doubled to FOUR possible alternatives. However, due to the previous high demand, we’re now only being offered ONE free tree per household. This year, a further one…

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Further Funding in Paradise

A group that runs a Ruddington allotment has secured more vital cash to support its gardening space which aids residents’ health and mental wellbeing. The Rushcliffe Social Prescribing Group co-ordinates a plot at the ‘Paradise Gardens’ allotments, off Wilford Road, and has received the grant from Rushcliffe Borough Council’s ‘Reach Rushcliffe Fund’. It builds on the group first getting funding in 2021 with the money helping to purchase essentials and making the site accessible. It’s provided an additional pathway for patients of social prescribing to access this space, leading to excellent attendance over the…

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Refurbished Ruddington Visitor Centre & Café Opens

The major work which started in January to upgrade the lakeside Education Centre and its associated facilities in Rushcliffe Country Park is now complete. As the sun shone down this morning {Wednesday 12th October},  The Friends of Rushcliffe Country Park, Rushcliffe Borough Councillors and other invited guests were among those attending the official opening to see all the improvements – including a permanent new café, the refurbished visitors’ centre and conference room, improved toilet facilities and additional landscaping. Rushcliffe Borough Council (RBC) says the work carried out here is the first phase of a series of…

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The Bottle Top – Café, Beer & Eco Shop

When Glyn Thomas’s much loved Greengrocers closed its doors in 2018, locals feared the heart and been ripped out of Ruddington and that our village centre would never be the same again. It was clear that a shop dedicated solely to selling fresh fruit and vegetables may no longer be viable, nevertheless 2, High Street has now become a new hub of the community thanks to the vision of husband and wife team Anthony and Alex Preston. Together they brought to Ruddington a brand new business called The Bottle Top, which opened on May…

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Five Years of Free Trees

With concerns about our warming climate brought into sharp focus this week by record-breaking temperatures, eco-conscious Ruddingtonians may be pleased to hear that we can now apply for more FREE trees this summer. For the fifth year running, Rushcliffe Borough Council (RBC) is offering residents the chance to make our properties greener without charge. It’s part of the authority’s stated strategy “to provide sustainable environments in line with the Borough’s significant housing and employment growth in the coming years”. This is certainly the case for Ruddington, where hundreds of new homes…

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The Award Winning Bottle Top

When Glyn Thomas’s much loved Greengrocers closed its doors in 2018, locals feared the heart and been ripped out of Ruddington and that our village centre would never be the same again. It was clear that a shop dedicated solely to selling fresh fruit and vegetables may no longer be viable, nevertheless 2, High Street has now become a new hub of the community thanks to the vision of husband and wife team Anthony and Alex Preston. Together they brought to Ruddington a brand new business called The Bottle Top, which opened on May…

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Country Park Café Construction Commences

Rushcliffe Borough Council has announced that work has finally begun on the refurbishment of its Education & Visitor Centre at Rushcliffe Country Park. The upgrade was first mooted in 2015 – and followed by a public consultation two years’ later. Improvements to the building will include the addition of a permanent café, an enhanced visitors’ centre and a bookable conference room, along with improved landscaping and toilet facilities. The authority says it’s also being ‘carbon clever’ at the popular Ruddington tourist attraction by installing solar panels and an air source heat pump…

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How Do YOU Use Rushcliffe Country Park?

Most villagers consider ourselves very fortunate to have over 200 acres of recreational green space right on our doorstep, at the southern edge of Ruddington. Since being created, thirty years’ ago, Rushcliffe Country Park has become a magnet for walkers, cyclists and nature lovers in general – as well as hosting numerous, regular events including the weekly walks, park runs and the brand new skatepark, which all attract visitors here from far and wide. Now the many users of Ruddington’s Country Park ark are being asked to give their opinions in…

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Soft Plastic Recycling Comes to Ruddington Co-op

Have you realised you can now recycle soft plastics like crisp packets and bread bags at our village Co-op? This useful recycling bin (pictured above) is brand new to the Church Street food store this month. Gwen Eyre, Co-op member pioneer for Ruddington and Clifton, says: “We’re delighted to be able to offer this facility in Ruddington. With concerns about plastic pollution and climate change, we know there are many villagers who wanted to recycle softer plastic items which aren’t accepted in Rushcliffe Borough Council’s blue bins. Our bin is situated…

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