Country Park Play Area Refurbishment Almost Complete

Despite delays caused by the inclement spring weather, Rushcliffe Borough Council (RBC) says its major refurbishment works in the play area at Ruddington’s country park are now almost finished. This latest £175,000 of investment by RBC at Rushcliffe Country Park includes adding a new ‘Kanope Tower’ multi-play unit {pictured top} featuring 14 different play elements and a new wooden trail. Once opened it’s said this will offer panoramic views of the park – whilst play opportunities will also be increased thanks to a new pendulum pod swing and a fully inclusive wheelchair see-saw…

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Further Parking Restrictions at Dutton’s Hill?

Villagers may be interested to hear that plans are afoot to increase periods when parking is prohibited at a notorious Ruddington bottleneck. Currently, consultees including Nottinghamshire Highways and local Councillors are getting an opportunity to give their thoughts about additional parking restrictions along Wilford Road at ‘Dutton’s Hill’ (pictured top) before VIA East Midlands puts final proposals to the wider public. In between double yellow lines there are three stretches of sometimes unrestricted parking which can accommodate up to seven vehicles. However, the move towards further restrictions is primarily as a…

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Concerns Over Ruddington Tree Felling

Anger has been expressed over the timing of the removal of mature trees at Ruddington’s former Youth & Community Centre site next to The Green. After three, large Leylandii were chopped down there on Monday, villager Margaret Burrell contacted to say: “I’m absolutely disgusted that the Parish Council have chosen the breeding season for birds as the time to chop down all the trees on the old Youth Centre site. This site has lain empty for years and, despite being promised a temporary parking facility after the buildings were…

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Country Park Parking Price Hike

Visitors who travel to Ruddington’s country park by car are being warned about substantial increases to the parking charges there this month. Following removal of the previous £1 all-day rate, from Wednesday 1st May 2024 those using the official parking at Rushcliffe Country Park now have to pay £1.50 to stay up to three hours and £3 hours to stay any longer than that.  That’s a rise of 50% and 300% respectively on the previous tariff. The cost of the annual car parking permit, for frequent park users, has also shot…

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Saturday’s Ruddington Village Christmas Market

It’s the festive final day of Ruddington Christmas Market on Saturday 2nd December from 11am to 5pm at various indoor, outdoor and marquee venues in the village. Today’s Festive Street Market is on High Street and Church Street, complete with street food zone, Bottle Top Christmas bar, and live music from The Cellotapes, Mark James and Ellie’s Cats. Indoor Makers’ Markets continue at St Peter’s Church, Ruddington Methodist Hall, the Framework Knitters’ Museum and St Peter’s Rooms; where the Ruddington WI will also have their ‘Craft and Bake’ stall. Ruddington District…

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Another Residents’ Parking Scheme Proposed

Following further complaints from villagers about not being able to park near their homes, a consultation is underway about creating additional ‘residents only’ parking areas near Ruddington village centre. Via East Midlands, working on behalf of Nottinghamshire County Council Highways, says it sent out letters and questionnaires to residents in 33 properties over the summer asking if they would like residents parking restrictions along part of Easthorpe Street. It reveals a total of 13 questionnaires were returned (40%) of which 10 (77%) supported a Residents Parking Scheme (RPS). The Council’s…

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Conservation Area Housing Approved

Plans to demolish derelict outbuildings and create flats behind Ruddington’s old butcher’s shop have been passed by Rushcliffe Borough Council (RBC). As we reported in February, the (then) empty premises and land behind it were bought last year by village entrepreneur Brian Perkins (of ‘Victoria Properties’) who is already the owner/landlord of several of Ruddington’s other shops. His company was responsible for the concept and construction of the adjacent ‘Courtyard’ precinct, off High Street, completed in September 2020. His newly approved redevelopment to the rear of the existing retail unit at 15, Church Street…

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What’s Happening with the Old Youth Centre?

If you’ve walked, cycled or driven past The Green in the last couple of days, you’ll almost certainly have noticed the metal security fencing and scaffolding just erected at Ruddington’s former Youth & Community (‘Young People’s) Centre. Originally owned and maintained by Nottinghamshire County Council (NCC) it has lain empty and disused since December 2016, with the main building having to be boarded up in 2018 following repeated acts of vandalism. In December 2019 Ruddington Parish Council (RPC) announced it had purchased the facility from NCC to refurbish it and put it back into use…

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Labour Landslide in Ruddington

Villagers went to the polls yesterday (4th May 2023), to elect Ruddington’s three representatives on Rushcliffe Borough Council, and the results are now in. With an impressive turnout of 43.1%, the three Labour Party candidates all secured many more votes than their Conservative & Green Party rivals, taking all three available seats. There were seven candidates standing for election in Ruddington Ward, who polled as follows: Name of Candidate Description (if any) Number of Votes* CAVEN-ATACK, Benjamin William commonly known as ATACK, Ben Local Conservatives 776 DICKMAN, Gary Dane Local Conservatives 821 FLETCHER, Graham…

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Ruddington’s Local Election Candidates

With just a fortnight left before we go to the polls on 4th May 2023, all the candidates standing for election here in Ruddington have now been revealed. Once again, villagers will not be asked to vote for any Ruddington Parish Councillors since, disappointingly, only 13 residents put themselves forward for the 16 available seats. These Councillors have already been ‘duly elected’ by the Returning Officer, without a contest. It’s hoped the vacant Parish Council seats – one in Flawford Ward and two in Manor Ward – can be filled by co-option…

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