Conservation Area Housing Approved

Plans to demolish derelict outbuildings and create flats behind Ruddington’s old butcher’s shop have been passed by Rushcliffe Borough Council (RBC). As we reported in February, the (then) empty premises and land behind it were bought last year by village entrepreneur Brian Perkins (of ‘Victoria Properties’) who is already the owner/landlord of several of Ruddington’s other shops. His company was responsible for the concept and construction of the adjacent ‘Courtyard’ precinct, off High Street, completed in September 2020. His newly approved redevelopment to the rear of the existing retail unit at 15, Church Street…

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Ruddington Shops Update

Earlier this month we revealed how a new ‘Farm Shop’ has opened at The White Horse Inn on Wednesdays to Saturdays. There are now further, exciting Ruddington shop changes to report – and some still to come. Firstly, ‘ASDA On The Move’ which reported a year ago would be coming to Euro Garages’ expanded Ruddington Service Station premises along Loughborough Road, has finally arrived!  It stocks up to 2,500 ASDA own brand, premium own-label ‘Extra Special’ and branded products – including bakery, fresh, chilled and ‘ambient’ groceries – along…

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Who’s Open Again in Ruddington?

This week sees another milestone in the UK Government’s easing of COVID-19 Coronavirus restrictions – with non-essential shops added to the list of businesses allowed to reopen, provided they can implement stringent new hygiene and 2 metre ‘social distancing’ requirements to protect customers and staff. Of course, as we’ve been reporting over almost three months via our regularly updated COVID-19 Traders checklist, many of our ‘essential’ village shops have done residents proud by managing to remain open and trade safely right through the pandemic – including our Co-op and Sainsbury’s supermarkets,…

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Village Traders Open During COVID-19

A to Z of RUDDINGTON SHOPS, BUSINESSES & FACILITIES STILL OPEN TO SERVE YOU* Amanda Findlay Eyecare, Charles Street | Tel: 0115 921 2992 Our village optician is available for essential, emergency eye care and spectacle repairs only Please leave Amanda a message on the number above to arrange an appointment or send an email   Black Cat Café, High St | Email: Offering food on Saturdays – for delivery or to pick up in the shop 9-11am.  Products available include Hot breakfasts and Hot Breakfast cobs; Homemade Deli items and Cakes.…

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Butcher’s Will Shut By Easter

Another of our unique village centre shops is set to disappear within weeks due to an apparent lack of demand. Ruddington Village Butchers has faced closure on a couple of previous occasions over the last two years before a flurry of shoppers’ support twice offered the Church Street business a reprieve. However, it seems this public enthusiasm has not been maintained and so it will not be ‘third time lucky’. Owner Shane Ginty reveals: “The last trading year has been the worst ever for Ruddington Village Butchers resulting in the company…

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Butcher’s Sunday Opening

Trading conditions for independent butchers have never been tougher – with many people now cutting down on meat or giving it up altogether. Only thirty years ago, Ruddington still had three thriving butchers’ shops but, in more recent times, that’s changed. Indeed our village was without any butcher at all for almost a year in 2010 after the legendary David Oliver retired and his former assistant Robert Warner was unable to continue his legacy. However the historic shop at 15, Church Street sprang back into life as Ruddington Village Butchers…

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Buying From Your Butcher is Best!

If you asked the average shopper what types of retailer were essential for a vibrant high street, it’s a fair bet a butchers would be among them. Ruddington Village Butchers‘ Shane Ginty helped to bring T W Oliver’s historic Church Street premises back to life in March 2011, after our village’s last remaining butcher’s shop had lain empty for the previous seven months. He subsequently bought the business from original owner Stewart White and has now been running it, with a little help from his wife Nicola, for over four years.…

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New Closure Threat For Village Butchers

The owner of Ruddington Village Butchers has revealed that, unless trade picks up dramatically again very soon, he will be forced to close his business within the next two weeks. Shane Ginty says that his shop has run at a loss of £2,500 over the past few months – and that no small business can sustain those kind of losses. On a Facebook post he wrote: “We would like to say a big thank you to all the lovely people who have supported the shop over the years. Unfortunately there are…

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Flood of Villagers’ Support Saves Butchers … For Now

It seems that miracles DO sometimes happen – even here in Ruddington! We are delighted to reveal that Ruddington Village Butchers will remain open for business this Monday morning after all. On Thursday we reported how despairing Shane Ginty said he could see “no way out” of his financial dilemma – after a recent drop in custom meant his Church Street shop had been trading at a loss for the past few months. He was on the verge of bankruptcy and told us: “Barring a miracle it looks like I’m going…

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Butcher Needs “a Miracle” to Avoid Closure

WE HAVE TWO DAYS TO SAVE RUDDINGTON VILLAGE BUTCHERS! It’s been revealed that one of our cheeriest shopkeepers will have to shut his unique business for good unless a lifeline can be found before the end of trading tomorrow (Saturday 28th July). An uncharacteristically melancholy Shane Ginty told he can now see “no way out” of his financial dilemma after a recent drop in custom has meant his shop trading at a loss for the past few months. A steady decline in footfall – which has been made even worse…

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