New Nursery Plans Approved

Unpopular proposals to create a new children’s nursery on Brookside Road in Ruddington have been given the go-ahead by Rushcliffe Borough Council (RBC). This is despite 17 objections (out of 18 comments) by consultees and members of the public to the original application for a ‘registered nursery’ {23/02205/FUL} followed by a further eleven objections to the application {23/02202/VAR} to allow extra onsite parking (for up to 14 cars) and longer weekday opening hours for the new business. When the site known as ‘Brookside House’ (pictured above in June 2021) was sold off…

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A Hundred More Jobs For Ruddington?

A major UK software company, which already employs around 900 workers at Ruddington Fields Business Park, says it could create over a hundred further jobs at the site if revised proposals for a new office block and car park are given the nod by planners. MHR, which provides HR, talent management, and payroll services, has applied to Rushcliffe Borough Council (RBC) to revise plans which were already approved in September 2022 for another building adjacent to ‘Britannia House’ (pictured top). This additional block was to contain 2 floors of car parking and 2…

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Residents Object to New Nursery Plans

Proposals to create a new children’s nursery on Brookside Road in Ruddington have proved unpopular with householders in the area. When the site known as ‘Brookside House’ (pictured above in June 2021) was sold off for redevelopment in 2022 by former owners Brookside Autoservices, other units there which were still occupied were also vacated. However, the commercial premises have since lain empty, facing an uncertain future. Most recently, plans to demolish all the existing buildings and build three houses and six apartments there were also shelved. This followed a negative response…

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Conservation Area Housing Approved

Plans to demolish derelict outbuildings and create flats behind Ruddington’s old butcher’s shop have been passed by Rushcliffe Borough Council (RBC). As we reported in February, the (then) empty premises and land behind it were bought last year by village entrepreneur Brian Perkins (of ‘Victoria Properties’) who is already the owner/landlord of several of Ruddington’s other shops. His company was responsible for the concept and construction of the adjacent ‘Courtyard’ precinct, off High Street, completed in September 2020. His newly approved redevelopment to the rear of the existing retail unit at 15, Church Street…

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Pets at the Laundrette?

It seems part of Ruddington Cleaners‘ building along Charles Street is being hung out to dry – with an application now submitted to house a veterinary physiotherapy and hydrotherapy centre alongside the existing laundrette. The current dry cleaning and laundry business opened on the site of the former Village Motors garage at No 8 and No 10 Parkyns Street in Summer 2017 – with an access for dry cleaning requirements off Parkyns Street and the self-service launderette frontage on Charles Street. Now, subject to planning approval, its former storage area will soon…

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Dozens More ‘Green Belt’ Houses for Ruddington?

It’s taken almost two years to sell the site, and for developers to put together this full application, but detailed plans have now been submitted to build yet more new homes on former Green Belt land east of Loughborough Road. Chave Planning Ltd has drawn up the Design and Access Statement for land at ‘Croft House’ at 211, Loughborough Road, Ruddington, on behalf of the applicant TH Ruddington Ltd – which is part of national housebuilder Taggart Homes. It’s intended to explain how the site’s ‘environmental constraints and opportunities, the surrounding context, relevant planning policy and outcomes…

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Appeal Against Planning Refusal on The Green

Rushcliffe Borough Council’s refusal of permission to build a contemporary, new home at the heart of Ruddington’s conservation area [22/00485/FUL] is being appealed by the applicant. In March 2022 Building Design (Nottm) Ltd submitted plans to demolish the current garage belonging to 6, The Green (‘The White House’) to make way for a modern two storey house (plus attic room) to be built ‘next door’ over the current garden – filling the “gap” seen in the photograph above. You can find further details >>HERE<<. Now it seems these controversial plans may yet see…

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Plans Revealed for Fairham Green ‘Phase Two’

Whilst construction continues apace on Bloor Homes’ 167 property ‘Fairham Green’ development, residents in the Grange Farm area have discovered the house-builder is already eyeing up its next Green Belt site further along Wilford Road. Questions were asked when surveyors from Greenhatch Contractors appeared outside ‘Ruddington Day Nursery’ today {Tuesday 16th August} and began taking measurements along that stretch of the B680 into the village. It was discovered they were working on behalf of Bloor Homes – assessing the site access to the current agricultural land between the lane to…

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New Dwelling Declined

Plans to erect a contemporary, new home in Ruddington’s conservation area, right alongside The Green, have been rejected by Rushcliffe Borough Council (RBC). The application [22/00485/FUL] by Building Design (Nottm) Ltd would have seen the demolition of the garage belonging to 6, The Green (‘The White House’) to make way for a modern two storey house (plus attic room) to be built ‘next door’ over the current garden – filling the “gap” seen in the photograph above. You can find further details >>HERE<<. The two reasons RBC gives for rejecting these plans are:- “The…

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New School for Ruddington?

When NHS Rushcliffe Clinical Commissioning Group relocated from Easthorpe House to new premises in June 2020, the future of the Grade 2 listed Ruddington property looked rather uncertain. With the COVID-19 pandemic in full swing by then, for its landlords Carlton Street Trading finding new tenants for this large but attractive building off Loughborough Road was likely to prove more difficult than usual. Thankfully for them, in the interim, the generous and picturesque grounds have enabled both an open-air ‘Castle Rock Brewery Beer Festival’ and a ‘Pop-Up Beer Garden’ run by Annie’s Burger Shack to be…

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