Housebuilder’s Boost for Birdlife?

Ever since the the Rushcliffe Local Plan Part 2 was approved – giving developers the green light to build hundreds of new houses on large areas of Ruddington’s Green Belt – villagers have been complaining about the destruction of natural habitats and the loss of green space. Whilst undoubtedly this is true – and those four large new estates have consumed precious areas of agricultural land we’ll never get back – Gordon Dyne of Nottinghamshire Wildlife Trust (NWT) has learned about one positive outcome… As part of the planning application…

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MP & Councillors’ Open Letter to Bloor Homes

Frustrated residents next to the new Ruddington housing development off Wilford Road have received some high profile backing in their bid to proceed with the agreed tree planting there as part of ‘The Queen’s Green Canopy’ (QGC). MP for Rushcliffe Ruth Edwards and Ruddington’s three Rushcliffe Borough Councillors – Jen Walker, Mike Gaunt and Graham Fletcher – have all signed an Open Letter to the owner and Directors of Bloor Homes Ltd. It’s after the developer’s regional office suddenly reneged on its promise to allow room for a row of trees…

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Historic Hedgerow Ripped Out “in Error”

The house-builder currently constructing 175 new properties on former Ruddington Green Belt south of Musters Road says a contractor removed a large section of mature hedgerow there by mistake. Gardeners from ‘Buttercup Allotments’ off Asher Lane were alerted to the totally unexpected loss of their boundary hedge when a contractor working for Avant Homes suddenly starting digging it out on Maundy Thursday. When the allotments’ owner Brian Booker rushed onsite to challenge them, protesting that removal of this hedgerow was definitely not in Rushcliffe Borough Council‘s approved plans for ‘Wilbur Chase’,…

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Bloor Blunder Scuppers Residents’ Royal Tree Planting Plans

A group of eco-minded Ruddington residents is expressing its dismay and disbelief that a major housing developer suddenly changed its mind about allowing them to plant a long row of trees on its land – and didn’t even tell them! As we reported on Monday, Bloor Homes East Midlands had given Brookside Residents’ Action Group (BRAG) for ‘The Queen’s Green Canopy’ (QGC) the go-ahead to plant a line of trees on a 223-metre long strip of ‘wasteland’ between its new bungalows and their existing houses. BRAG were led to believe this ‘void’…

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Ruddington’s ‘Final Flourish’ for The Queen’s Green Canopy!

As the extended deadline for planting trees to be part of ‘The Queen’s Green Canopy’ (QGC) draws near, a community voluntary group has revealed it’s about to put in what it believes will be the longest row of trees in our village so far in memory of Her Majesty. Brookside Residents’ Action Group (BRAG) for The QGC says it will plant over a hundred trees running between the boundary of existing homes and Ruddington’s new ‘Fairham Green’ development off Wilford Road (as shown above). It’s after the project was given both the necessary…

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Dozens More ‘Green Belt’ Houses for Ruddington?

It’s taken almost two years to sell the site, and for developers to put together this full application, but detailed plans have now been submitted to build yet more new homes on former Green Belt land east of Loughborough Road. Chave Planning Ltd has drawn up the Design and Access Statement for land at ‘Croft House’ at 211, Loughborough Road, Ruddington, on behalf of the applicant TH Ruddington Ltd – which is part of national housebuilder Taggart Homes. It’s intended to explain how the site’s ‘environmental constraints and opportunities, the surrounding context, relevant planning policy and outcomes…

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24 More Green Belt Homes Approved

Over eighteen months after plans were revealed to add further houses to a current Ruddington development, permission to expand it onto additional land which was also previously part of our village Green Belt has been granted by Rushcliffe Borough Council (RBC). Subject to conditions and an additional ‘Section 106’ agreement, two dozen more houses will now be constructed alongside the 185 already being built by William Davis Homes at ‘Lace Fields’ on former agricultural land opposite Mere Way. This is despite only 170 dwellings originally being approved on this site in the Rushcliffe Local Plan…

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Historic Ash Tree Felled by Developer

Ruddington residents overlooking the new Wilbur Chase development south of Musters Road are expressing their dismay that a large, mature tree next to the site has been chopped down today – despite their pleas to save it. The historic Ash tree sat on the boundary of the field owned by village businessman John Hallam and the former green belt agricultural land next to it – upon which Avant Homes is now constructing 175 controversially approved new houses. Retention of this 17 metre tall tree was clearly shown on the developer’s…

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Reprieve for Ruddington’s Remaining Green Belt?

A new document which has just been published (January 2023) seems to indicate that further large swathes of Ruddington’s surrounding countryside will not be required for more development within the next 15 years. As part of the ‘Greater Nottingham Strategic Plan: Preferred Approach Consultation’ being undertaken by the Greater Nottinghamshire Planning Partnership (GNPP), Rushcliffe Borough Council (RBC) has not allocated any further Ruddington Green Belt for housing or commercial use within ‘Appendix A: Preferred Sites (Rushcliffe Borough)’ between now and 2038. Instead, the authority’s section of the larger Nottinghamshire consultation focuses on other previously identified…

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Property Developer’s Second Planning Breach

It’s been confirmed the house-builder currently constructing 175 new houses on almost sixteen acres of Ruddington’s former Green Belt south of Musters Road has breached its planning conditions for the second time in just over a year. Residents nearby have reacted with dismay at being told a total of 38 ‘Wilbur Chase’ properties are now occupied – breaching even the revised 35 property limit set by Rushcliffe Borough Council (RBC). Stipulations for Avant Homes (Midlands)‘s original planning approval for this estate included that off-site highway improvement works to the A60/Kirk Lane/Flawforth Lane junction…

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