Will the General Election Affect House Prices?

The Labour Party has enjoyed a landslide UK General Election victory this month – and even returned Ruddington’s first Labour MP in over half a century. Although housing was not top of everyone’s agenda this time around, it’s still an important subject that many home owners, and soon-to-be first time buyers, are watching very closely, writes Benwell Daykin Estate Agents. But has the General Election impacted house prices already, and will it cause any significant changes now the election has taken place? Has the general election affected house prices so far?…

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Nottingham Property Prices Summer 2024

UK house prices are growing again throughout the country writes Ruddington’s Benwell Daykin Estate Agents. The latest data for May, released at the beginning of June, suggest prices rose 0.4 per cent in the last 4 weeks. This data comes straight from Nationwide. House prices have remained fairly static throughout Spring 2024, however a small rise in wages and a dip in inflation has meant prices are on an upward trend once more. The average UK house price now stands at £264,249, compared to £261,962 in April. Nottingham house prices in…

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New Development Design Consultation Continues

Following its launch at the start of this year, Rushcliffe Borough Council (RBC) is continuing to prepare a new ‘Design Code’ to set out quality and standard rules for new developments. Now the authority is inviting residents, local interest groups, design professionals and developers to have our say on the next stage of the process. Since Ruddington’s precious green spaces have taken a significant hammering over the past few years – as a result of infill housing within our village, plus the ‘Rushcliffe Local Plan Part 2’ and its wider development consequences on…

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The Surprising Property Type with Rapid House Price Growth

It’s likely you will have heard reports that house prices have dropped over the last few months writes Ruddington’s Benwell Daykin Estate Agents. Although this is true in some areas, prices are beginning to rise once more according to Halifax. This is of course good news for home owners looking to sell or those looking to release some equity. But there’s one particular property type with prices rising faster than anything else – flats! With borrowing costs higher than they have been for a number of years, buyers are struggling…

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The Most Popular Property Type in Nottingham is… ?

Our very own Benwell Daykin estate agents here in Ruddington, have analysed 2024 sold house price data to find the ultimate, most desirable property in Nottingham right now. With the uncertainty surrounding the housing market late last year, confidence is slowly creeping back but many are still asking, what makes my property sell quickly and for the right price? To find out, Benwell Daykin analysed the 209 properties from NG1 to NG16, that came to market in January 2024 and sold (subject to contract) within 30 days. They could therefore…

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‘Have Your Say’ on New Development Design

Ruddington’s green spaces have seen significant shrinkage over the past few years as a result of infill housing within our village and, most recently, because of the ‘Rushcliffe Local Plan Part 2’. Not only was planning permission granted by Rushcliffe Borough Council (RBC) in 2020 for hundreds of new homes on four large areas of our village’s former Green Belt, developers are also continuing to benefit from ‘windfall’ land which wasn’t originally included but had its ‘protected’ status removed at the same time. So far this has allowed a significant…

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Benwell Daykin Review of 2023

2023 was a BIG year for property writes Ruddington’s Benwell Daykin Estate Agents. Let’s look at some of the most interesting property related stats from last year, according to property portal Zoopla. One million homes were sold in 2023 Although slightly down on the year before, this is actually not that dissimilar to 2022. This proves that those who want to move are still able to do so. The key takeaway from this is that although a similar number of transactions completed, many buyers did look to down-size their budget due…

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Historic Hedgerow Ripped Out “in Error”

The house-builder currently constructing 175 new properties on former Ruddington Green Belt south of Musters Road says a contractor removed a large section of mature hedgerow there by mistake. Gardeners from ‘Buttercup Allotments’ off Asher Lane were alerted to the totally unexpected loss of their boundary hedge when a contractor working for Avant Homes suddenly starting digging it out on Maundy Thursday. When the allotments’ owner Brian Booker rushed onsite to challenge them, protesting that removal of this hedgerow was definitely not in Rushcliffe Borough Council‘s approved plans for ‘Wilbur Chase’,…

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‘Devolution’ Consultation Deadline Approaching

Ruddingtonians are being reminded that time is running out to have our say on proposed regulatory changes which could impact many aspects of village life – including housing, transport, education and the environment. On August 30th 2022 the leaders of Nottinghamshire County Council, Nottingham City Council, Derbyshire County Council and Derby City Council all signed up to work on proposals to set up a brand new body called the East Midlands Combined County Authority (EMCCA). It followed an announcement from the Government that a package of new powers and funding, worth…

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Property Developer’s Second Planning Breach

It’s been confirmed the house-builder currently constructing 175 new houses on almost sixteen acres of Ruddington’s former Green Belt south of Musters Road has breached its planning conditions for the second time in just over a year. Residents nearby have reacted with dismay at being told a total of 38 ‘Wilbur Chase’ properties are now occupied – breaching even the revised 35 property limit set by Rushcliffe Borough Council (RBC). Stipulations for Avant Homes (Midlands)‘s original planning approval for this estate included that off-site highway improvement works to the A60/Kirk Lane/Flawforth Lane junction…

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