FREE Ruddington Summer Cycling and Walking Event

Villagers of all ages are invited to take part in a free walking and cycling event at Rushcliffe Country Park on Wednesday 14th August. Organisers Rushcliffe Borough Council (RBC) say this Ruddington event for 2024 will feature a range of fun and insightful activities from 10am to 2pm and include a wellbeing walk led by ‘Rushcliffe Move and Mingle’ at 10.30am. Between 11am and 1pm there is also an opportunity for you to grab your map and get involved in orienteering with Nottinghamshire Orienteering Club. The event will offer residents the…

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New Speedwatch Team Spotting Speeding Drivers

Speeding motorists in Ruddington are being monitored by a new volunteer group. The ‘Community Speedwatch Team’ have been out on their first roadside operations checking on speeding car drivers. They were armed with a speed gun, paperwork, hi-vis jackets plus yellow roadside signs. During the early morning rush hour this morning (Thursday June 20th) a team in Clifton Lane monitored 1,200 cars in 90 minutes. Two drivers were recorded driving significantly above the 30mph speed limit. One was going at 39mph, the other at 41mph. Many pedestrians, cyclists and drivers voiced or signalled their…

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Watch Your Speed!

Scenes such as the one above could soon become commonplace in our village if a planned Ruddington road safety initiative gets off the ground. Ruddington Parish Council (RPC) is currently on the lookout for ‘Community Speed Watch’ volunteers to assist the police with tackling the problem of speeding vehicles at trouble-spots such as Loughborough Road (above), Wilford Road and Clifton Road, to name just three. It’s been an ongoing concern for many residents, and was even the focus of a meeting last year at the Ruddington Arms organised by our MP Ruth…

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Applications Open for Infant & Junior School Places

Whilst the official deadline for parents of village youngsters to apply for their Secondary School places outside Ruddington in 2024/2025 has now passed, the process for Infant and Primary children hoping they’ll be schooled here is only just beginning. Nottinghamshire County Council (NCC) has announced that from today (Monday 6th November 2023) applications are open for kids starting in reception and children due to transfer from an infant school to junior education (Year 3) in September 2024. For children who will turn five years old between 1st September 2024 and 31st August 2025, and…

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Green Memory Café to Continue

After successfully trialling the idea a couple of months’ ago, organisers of a new initiative in Ruddington for people living with memory loss (and their carers) is set to be held here every two months. The ‘Rushcliffe Green Memory Café’ will continue to take place in and around the newly refurbished Visitor Centre by the lake in Rushcliffe Country Park – with the next one happening this Wednesday 16th August. Once again you’re invited along to experience nature-based activities, short walks or simply to relax, socialise and enjoy the beautiful surroundings. Indoor and…

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New Secondary School Applications Warning

Parents of Ruddington children who will be starting Year Six this September are being told they can now apply for their secondary school place. Nottinghamshire County Council (NCC) is once again urging families to utilise all FOUR preferences to avoid losing out on their preferred school or academy in September 2024. An NCC spokesperson says: “Parents sometimes think that selecting just one school will ensure that a place is allocated, but that is not the case. It is important that you make use of all four preferences for a better chance of being…

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Rushcliffe Green Memory Café Launches

This month sees the start of a brand new initiative in Ruddington for people living with memory loss and their carers. The ‘Green Memory Café’ is being launched at Rushcliffe Country Park on the afternoon of Wednesday 21st June in the newly refurbished Visitor Centre by the lake. You’re invited along to experience nature based activities, short walks or simply to relax, socialise and enjoy the beautiful surroundings. Indoor and outdoor activities and refreshments are FREE, and it’s suitable for people with limited mobility. Gwynneth Owen, project lead for the Rushcliffe Dementia Project…

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To Mow or Not to Mow?

Many lawns, verges and public spaces in Ruddington are a little ‘wilder’ at the moment – as ‘No Mow May’ comes to an end. Promoted each year by the charity ‘Plantlife’, the initiative encourages individuals and organisations to leave mowers in sheds during the month of May so that wildflowers among the grass can grow wild to provide a feast for pollinators, tackle pollution, and lock away atmospheric carbon below ground. The question is, should more of us leave more ground untended throughout the year, not just for these 31 days?…

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Ruddington Village FC’s Amazing Season

In the world of Nottinghamshire football, Notts County isn’t the only team marking an incredible 2022-2023 season. Even closer to home, Ruddington Village FC senior men are also celebrating promotion. The First Team will once again be playing top flight Euro Soccer Nottinghamshire Senior League (NSL) football next season after gaining an unassailable lead at the top of NSL Division 1 league table last Saturday (13th May) following their 2-0 victory over Kirton Brickworks at Elms Park. Even a subsequent 6-2 defeat away at East Leake Robins on Tuesday night hasn’t dampened the players’…

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Ruddington School Places Crisis Deepens

Just over a week ago, when Nottinghamshire County Council proudly announced that 96.3% of Nottinghamshire children had been offered their parents’ first preference school for a reception place in September 2023, that statistic simply didn’t ring true for many families here in Ruddington. A parents’ petition to the County Council has now been started. See the update below*. Since then, we’ve been made aware of at least nine village children not securing the expected place to begin their education at James Peacock School in Manor Park. That’s despite five of these…

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