New Speedwatch Team Spotting Speeding Drivers

Speeding motorists in Ruddington are being monitored by a new volunteer group. The ‘Community Speedwatch Team’ have been out on their first roadside operations checking on speeding car drivers. They were armed with a speed gun, paperwork, hi-vis jackets plus yellow roadside signs. During the early morning rush hour this morning (Thursday June 20th) a team in Clifton Lane monitored 1,200 cars in 90 minutes. Two drivers were recorded driving significantly above the 30mph speed limit. One was going at 39mph, the other at 41mph. Many pedestrians, cyclists and drivers voiced or signalled their…

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Watch Your Speed!

Scenes such as the one above could soon become commonplace in our village if a planned Ruddington road safety initiative gets off the ground. Ruddington Parish Council (RPC) is currently on the lookout for ‘Community Speed Watch’ volunteers to assist the police with tackling the problem of speeding vehicles at trouble-spots such as Loughborough Road (above), Wilford Road and Clifton Road, to name just three. It’s been an ongoing concern for many residents, and was even the focus of a meeting last year at the Ruddington Arms organised by our MP Ruth…

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Police Praise Ruddington Drivers

Motorists entering our village via one of its northern gateways are being praised for doing better at obeying the speed limit than when Nottinghamshire Police previously carried out checks there. When Rushcliffe South neighbourhood officers last brought their radar gun to Wilford Road in September 2022 they recorded three vehicles still doing in excess of 35mph along the main, built-up stretch. That’s well after where the 30mph limit now begins (due to the new ‘Fairham Green’ housing development) and despite a flashing sign to alert drivers to their speed as they pass Sellors’ Playing Field.…

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Watch Your Speed!

Neighbourhood Officers from Nottinghamshire Police have been in Ruddington again this afternoon carrying out speed checks on traffic entering our village along Wilford Road. Despite the 30mph limit now starting sooner, due to the new Bloor Homes development, with even a flashing sign to alert motorists to their speed as they pass Sellors’ Playing Field, they report that three vehicles were recorded still doing in excess of 35 mph along the main, built-up stretch. The offending drivers were dealt with by way of ‘Traffic Offence Reports’ – meaning they are…

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New Beat Bobby For Ruddington

Nottinghamshire Police have revealed a new Constable dedicated to our village. PC Stephen Piper has joined PCSO Philip Evans to focus on neighbourhood policing in Ruddington. He is promising to engage with the public and respond to the key policing priorities here. PC Piper, who has more than 20 years of experience as a response officer in the Metropolitan Police and in Nottinghamshire, says he’s received a very positive reaction from residents. He has already been out and about meeting members of the public at our August Village Market [top photo}, taken…

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