FREE Ruddington Summer Cycling and Walking Event

Villagers of all ages are invited to take part in a free walking and cycling event at Rushcliffe Country Park on Wednesday 14th August. Organisers Rushcliffe Borough Council (RBC) say this Ruddington event for 2024 will feature a range of fun and insightful activities from 10am to 2pm and include a wellbeing walk led by ‘Rushcliffe Move and Mingle’ at 10.30am. Between 11am and 1pm there is also an opportunity for you to grab your map and get involved in orienteering with Nottinghamshire Orienteering Club. The event will offer residents the…

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Residents’ Survey Returns

Householders in Ruddington are being encouraged to take part in the latest residents’ survey which has been launched by Rushcliffe Borough Council (RBC). The authority is inviting all who reside in our village – and within the wider Borough – to have our say on Council services and life in the area. Carried out every three years, the survey asks residents to answer questions about their satisfaction with a range of services that the Council offers, their feeling of being safe in their community and where they feel the Borough can…

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‘Free Trees’ for Residents from RBC

Once again, householders in Ruddington are being offered the chance to make our properties greener by applying for ‘free trees’ from Rushcliffe Borough Council (RBC). This scheme is now running in its seventh year, and demand is anticipated to be high to get a sapling of your choice from Hazel, Crab Apple or Wild Cherry – available without charge for those who live in our Borough. But with only 1,000 trees available, you’ll need to apply for the one free tree available per household ASAP! Click >>HERE<< for the form and submit…

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New Vegetable Oil Bin Lorries!

Eagle-eyed residents may have noticed a subtle change to Ruddington’s waste and recycling lorries this month – to significantly more ‘eco-friendly’ vehicles than before. Identified by large, new decals on the side – featuring white lettering on a green background – Rushcliffe Borough Council’s new hydrogenated vegetable oil (HVO) bin lorries, which it’s claimed reduce carbon dioxide emissions by 90 per cent – have now been rolled out in our village. The introduction of the converted vehicles, powered solely by waste oil not used by supermarkets and other suppliers, comes as…

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Ruddington’s Refurbished Play Area Opens!

After delays caused by the inclement weather, Rushcliffe Borough Council (RBC) says its major refurbishment and upgrade work in the play area at Ruddington’s country park is complete – with brand new, accessible equipment now open for children to enjoy. The new-look Rushcliffe Country Park recreational facility boasts a new ‘Kanope Tower’ multi-play unit featuring 14 different play elements and a new wooden trail and offers panoramic views of the park. There’s also a new pendulum pod swing and a fully inclusive wheelchair see-saw. As shown on the image above, the full scheme has added 28…

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Thousands Raised During ‘Open Gardens’ Event

Organisers of last weekend’s ‘Ruddington Open Gardens’ have revealed it was another great success – securing well over £6,000 to split between their two chosen kids’ charities. For the fourth time, on Saturday & Sunday 1st & 2nd July 2024, people across our village allowed public access to their own green spaces, for a one-off payment of £5, to help raise funds for Save the Children and Action for Children. Jane Piggott says: “The huge success was thanks to the tremendous support of local gardeners and allotment holders, village businesses, the Ruddington Yarn Ninjas,…

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Country Park Play Area Refurbishment Almost Complete

Despite delays caused by the inclement spring weather, Rushcliffe Borough Council (RBC) says its major refurbishment works in the play area at Ruddington’s country park are now almost finished. This latest £175,000 of investment by RBC at Rushcliffe Country Park includes adding a new ‘Kanope Tower’ multi-play unit {pictured top} featuring 14 different play elements and a new wooden trail. Once opened it’s said this will offer panoramic views of the park – whilst play opportunities will also be increased thanks to a new pendulum pod swing and a fully inclusive wheelchair see-saw…

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New Development Design Consultation Continues

Following its launch at the start of this year, Rushcliffe Borough Council (RBC) is continuing to prepare a new ‘Design Code’ to set out quality and standard rules for new developments. Now the authority is inviting residents, local interest groups, design professionals and developers to have our say on the next stage of the process. Since Ruddington’s precious green spaces have taken a significant hammering over the past few years – as a result of infill housing within our village, plus the ‘Rushcliffe Local Plan Part 2’ and its wider development consequences on…

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School Celebrates New Ofsted Report!

Staff, children and parents say they’re delighted that a Ruddington school judged to ‘Require Improvement’ two years’ ago has now been rated ‘Good’ in all areas. Pupils and staff gathered in the playing field at James Peacock Infant and Nursery School with balloons and banners {top photo} to celebrate the achievement. The very welcome report, just released by Ofsted, follows a two-day visit to the Manor Park based school by three inspectors in April, during which they assessed numerous aspects of its day-to-day running and curriculum. The school’s performance in the quality of…

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Concerns Over Ruddington Tree Felling

Anger has been expressed over the timing of the removal of mature trees at Ruddington’s former Youth & Community Centre site next to The Green. After three, large Leylandii were chopped down there on Monday, villager Margaret Burrell contacted to say: “I’m absolutely disgusted that the Parish Council have chosen the breeding season for birds as the time to chop down all the trees on the old Youth Centre site. This site has lain empty for years and, despite being promised a temporary parking facility after the buildings were…

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