Ruddington Parish Council July Meeting

It’s your monthly opportunity to find out what’s happening and have your say on what’s planned in our village. Tonight’s meeting will start at 7.30pm and is being held in St Peter’s Rooms. Ruddington Parish Council (RPC) meetings are open to all, and time is allocated for residents to share views on agenda items. Items under discussion this evening include: To decide whether to apply for planning permission to build a multi-use sports hall on Jubilee Fields on behalf of Ruddington Cricket Club. To decide whether to agree to a ‘match…

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Residents’ Survey Returns

Householders in Ruddington are being encouraged to take part in the latest residents’ survey which has been launched by Rushcliffe Borough Council (RBC). The authority is inviting all who reside in our village – and within the wider Borough – to have our say on Council services and life in the area. Carried out every three years, the survey asks residents to answer questions about their satisfaction with a range of services that the Council offers, their feeling of being safe in their community and where they feel the Borough can…

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‘Free Trees’ for Residents from RBC

Once again, householders in Ruddington are being offered the chance to make our properties greener by applying for ‘free trees’ from Rushcliffe Borough Council (RBC). This scheme is now running in its seventh year, and demand is anticipated to be high to get a sapling of your choice from Hazel, Crab Apple or Wild Cherry – available without charge for those who live in our Borough. But with only 1,000 trees available, you’ll need to apply for the one free tree available per household ASAP! Click >>HERE<< for the form and submit…

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Ruddington Parish Council May Meeting

It’s your monthly opportunity to find out what’s happening and have your say on what’s planned in our village. The meeting will start at 7.30pm and is being held in St Peter’s Rooms. Ruddington Parish Council (RPC) meetings are open to all, and time is allocated for residents to share views on agenda items. Tonight will see the election of the new Chair for the next 12 months, along with the Vice-Chair and Chairs of the Amenities and Environment & Policy Committees. Additionally the appointment of Councillors to represent RPC in…

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Ruddington Parish Council Meeting

It’s your monthly opportunity to find out what’s happening and have your say on what’s planned in our village. The meeting will start at 7.30pm and is being held in St Peter’s Rooms. Ruddington Parish Council (RPC) meetings are open to all, and time is allocated for residents to share views on agenda items. Items under discussion tonight include: To discuss and respond to the proposed new parking restrictions on Elms Park, Kirk Lane and Easthorpe Street. To decide whether to allow RVCP to apply for a Premises Licence for The…

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2024/2025 Ruddington Council Tax Rises

Ruddington residents now have a better idea of how much more we’ll need to budget for from this April, following our County Council’s annual announcement today (22nd February 2024). During the full Nottinghamshire County Council (NCC) budget meeting at County Hall it was agreed their Council Tax precept (the biggest share of the bills we pay) will rise by 2.84%, making it one of the lowest increases in the country. NCC has even created two handy pie charts (below) to show where the Council’s budget comes from and how it is…

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How to Save Money, Energy & the Climate

This is a FREE event for Ruddington residents who would like to find out how to save money on energy bills and do their bit for the environment. Organisers are Groundwork Five Counties and The Environment Agency. They aim to meet villagers who’re concerned about energy bills and also the impact on the climate. You’re invite to drop in on Monday as they explain “how to help reduce challenges to our local climate in a simple and easy way.” The event is sponsored by Ridge Clean Energy. You can find lots more…

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Ruddington Parish Council Meeting

It’s your monthly opportunity to find out what’s happening and have your say on what’s planned in our village. The meeting will start at 7.30pm and is being held in St Peter’s Rooms. Ruddington Parish Council (RPC) meetings are open to all, and time is allocated for residents to share views on agenda items. Items under discussion tonight include: Whether or not to support the planning application for a new children’s nursery at ‘Brookside House’ on Brookside Road; and the erection of a new multi-storey office block at ‘Britannia House’ on…

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‘Heat ‘n’ Eat’ £1 Monday Lunch

If you’re a Ruddington resident, living on a tight budget, you can pre-book for a chef-prepared hot meal and a soft drink for just £1. It’s served at 12.30pm in the welcoming and warm space of St Peter’s Church. Organisers at the Church say it’s usually scheduled to run on the 1st and 4th Monday of the month.   “Heat ‘n’ Eat is a way for everyone to enjoy affordable, good, wholesome food. We hope you’ll want to be part of this new community whether you work at home or in a…

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Moving the Goalposts!

During the summer we reported on an unpopular decision by Ruddington Parish Council (RPC) to remove the netting from one of the goalposts in Sellors’ Recreation Ground to discourage people from using it. It’s after some new ‘Fairham Green’ residents, who’d recently moved into the houses built just behind it, complained to custodians RPC that stray balls from young people playing football there were hitting their cars and windows. Before any serious damage was caused, it was decided to take away the net at that end of the pitch temporarily, until a solution could be found. Its…

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