Police Appeal After Man Attacked and Robbed in Ruddington

Nottinghamshire Police is appealing for any further witnesses to come forward after a man was attacked and robbed of his mobile phone in our village and left needing hospital treatment. The incident happened last Sunday, 14th July, between 10.00pm and 10.40pm in Oliver Drive, Ruddington. The 58-year-old victim was making his way home from the Victorian Tavern when he was punched. His mobile phone was then taken. Concerned members of the public contacted the police and the victim was taken to the Queen’s Medical Centre. His injuries were not serious.…

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2024/2025 Ruddington Council Tax Rises

Ruddington residents now have a better idea of how much more we’ll need to budget for from this April, following our County Council’s annual announcement today (22nd February 2024). During the full Nottinghamshire County Council (NCC) budget meeting at County Hall it was agreed their Council Tax precept (the biggest share of the bills we pay) will rise by 2.84%, making it one of the lowest increases in the country. NCC has even created two handy pie charts (below) to show where the Council’s budget comes from and how it is…

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‘Troubled’ Ruddington Arsonist Sent to Prison

A village resident has ended up in gaol after he set fire to his own flat. As RUDDINGTON.info first reported last autumn, Stephen Pritchard, prompted an emergency evacuation when he started fires in multiple rooms of the property in Dunblane Road in Ruddington on the evening of Thursday 12th October 2023. As his neighbours watched from outside, 32-year-old Pritchard was rescued from his flat on the second floor of the block by firefighters who guided him down a ladder. Thankfully no-one was injured and the blaze was soon extinguished. Pritchard immediately…

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Man Charged With Arson Following Ruddington Fire

A man has been charged in connection with last week’s flat fire in Ruddington. Emergency services were called to Dunblane Road at 9.35pm on Thursday 12th October after concerns were raised for a man’s safety. Officers arrived and evacuated a number of residents after flames were seen coming from a first-floor flat. No-one was injured and the blaze was put out by firefighters. A suspect was arrested at the scene and taken into custody. Stephen Pritchard, of Dunblane Road, Ruddington, has been charged with arson with recklessness as to whether life was…

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Man Arrested After Suspected Arson Attack

A man has been taken into police custody following a fire at a Ruddington property which they suspect was started deliberately. The blaze happened on Thursday night (12th October) when emergency services were called out to a house on Dunblane Road at about 9.35pm over concerns for a man’s safety. Residents living nearby were asked to leave their homes as a precaution whilst crews from Nottinghamshire Fire & Rescue worked to put out the fire. Neighbourhood Policing Inspector for Rushcliffe, Tim Cuthbert, says: “I’d like to thank the residents affected for…

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Fundraiser Launched Following Fatal Dog Attack

Big-hearted Ruddington residents on the Pasture Lane estate are raising funds to pay the veterinary fees for a neighbour whose dog was viciously attacked there on Friday night, and subsequently died. Eyewitnesses say Hugo the terrier (pictured above with his owner Debs Hayball) was brutally savaged by a much larger dog (of bulldog appearance) outside her home – with Debs also getting bitten on her left hand as she tried to protect her pet. The attacking dog – which reportedly had no lead or collar – was subsequently seized by…

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Two Men Charged Following Ruddington Car Chase

Two suspects have appeared in court following a police chase which ended with a car crash and an arrest in Ruddington. The pursuit began when officers from Nottinghamshire Police‘s Road Crime Team spotted a car which was known to them in Welbeck Road, Radcliffe-on-Trent, at around 7.50pm on Monday (10th April). The vehicle was travelling with another car which earlier had been reported stolen. Police say the second car failed to stop for officers and a chase ensued as far as Ruddington, where the crash occurred. Officers then pursued a suspect…

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No Council Tax Rise for Most Residents

Rushcliffe Borough Council (RBC) has announced today the majority of householders here in Ruddington and elsewhere should see no increase in its share of our Council Tax for the twelve months from this April. However, this freeze is still subject to a Full Council vote. In a move which RBC says further reflects the ongoing ‘cost-of-living crisis’, it’s proposed that properties in bands A to D would see no increase at all. On February 14th the Cabinet will also discuss proposals to discount Council Tax bills for those in bands A…

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Two Teenagers Arrested Following Ruddington Knife Incident

Nottinghamshire Police are investigating after a disturbance in Ruddington this week during which it’s alleged two teenage boys chased and menaced two girls with a knife. A Ruddington mum, who prefers not to be named, reported the incident at St Mary’s Community Park to police, and also posted this warning on Facebook: “My oldest daughter was on the park with her friend after school and two young boys chased after them and pulled a knife on them. The boys are about 14-15 years old.  Just keep a eye out!”  Subsequently she…

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Man Arrested and Stolen Ruddington Car Recovered

A man has been arrested after police spotted and followed a car which was suspected of being stolen. Officers from Nottinghamshire Police’s operational support unit noticed that a Vauxhall Astra, which was travelling in the Clifton area during the early hours of yesterday (Saturday 1 October 2022), was displaying false number plates. The driver then tried to evade police and failed to stop. A short time later the car came to a halt in Village Road and a man was detained. Police checks revealed the vehicle had been stolen from Ruddington in August.…

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