‘Free Trees’ for Residents from RBC

Once again, householders in Ruddington are being offered the chance to make our properties greener by applying for ‘free trees’ from Rushcliffe Borough Council (RBC). This scheme is now running in its seventh year, and demand is anticipated to be high to get a sapling of your choice from Hazel, Crab Apple or Wild Cherry – available without charge for those who live in our Borough. But with only 1,000 trees available, you’ll need to apply for the one free tree available per household ASAP! Click >>HERE<< for the form and submit…

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2024/2025 Ruddington Council Tax Rises

Ruddington residents now have a better idea of how much more we’ll need to budget for from this April, following our County Council’s annual announcement today (22nd February 2024). During the full Nottinghamshire County Council (NCC) budget meeting at County Hall it was agreed their Council Tax precept (the biggest share of the bills we pay) will rise by 2.84%, making it one of the lowest increases in the country. NCC has even created two handy pie charts (below) to show where the Council’s budget comes from and how it is…

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No Council Tax Rise for Most Residents

Rushcliffe Borough Council (RBC) has announced today the majority of householders here in Ruddington and elsewhere should see no increase in its share of our Council Tax for the twelve months from this April. However, this freeze is still subject to a Full Council vote. In a move which RBC says further reflects the ongoing ‘cost-of-living crisis’, it’s proposed that properties in bands A to D would see no increase at all. On February 14th the Cabinet will also discuss proposals to discount Council Tax bills for those in bands A…

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