‘Free Trees’ for Residents from RBC

Once again, householders in Ruddington are being offered the chance to make our properties greener by applying for ‘free trees’ from Rushcliffe Borough Council (RBC). This scheme is now running in its seventh year, and demand is anticipated to be high to get a sapling of your choice from Hazel, Crab Apple or Wild Cherry – available without charge for those who live in our Borough. But with only 1,000 trees available, you’ll need to apply for the one free tree available per household ASAP! Click >>HERE<< for the form and submit…

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New Vegetable Oil Bin Lorries!

Eagle-eyed residents may have noticed a subtle change to Ruddington’s waste and recycling lorries this month – to significantly more ‘eco-friendly’ vehicles than before. Identified by large, new decals on the side – featuring white lettering on a green background – Rushcliffe Borough Council’s new hydrogenated vegetable oil (HVO) bin lorries, which it’s claimed reduce carbon dioxide emissions by 90 per cent – have now been rolled out in our village. The introduction of the converted vehicles, powered solely by waste oil not used by supermarkets and other suppliers, comes as…

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Ruddington’s Refurbished Play Area Opens!

After delays caused by the inclement weather, Rushcliffe Borough Council (RBC) says its major refurbishment and upgrade work in the play area at Ruddington’s country park is complete – with brand new, accessible equipment now open for children to enjoy. The new-look Rushcliffe Country Park recreational facility boasts a new ‘Kanope Tower’ multi-play unit featuring 14 different play elements and a new wooden trail and offers panoramic views of the park. There’s also a new pendulum pod swing and a fully inclusive wheelchair see-saw. As shown on the image above, the full scheme has added 28…

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Country Park Play Area Refurbishment Almost Complete

Despite delays caused by the inclement spring weather, Rushcliffe Borough Council (RBC) says its major refurbishment works in the play area at Ruddington’s country park are now almost finished. This latest £175,000 of investment by RBC at Rushcliffe Country Park includes adding a new ‘Kanope Tower’ multi-play unit {pictured top} featuring 14 different play elements and a new wooden trail. Once opened it’s said this will offer panoramic views of the park – whilst play opportunities will also be increased thanks to a new pendulum pod swing and a fully inclusive wheelchair see-saw…

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New Development Design Consultation Continues

Following its launch at the start of this year, Rushcliffe Borough Council (RBC) is continuing to prepare a new ‘Design Code’ to set out quality and standard rules for new developments. Now the authority is inviting residents, local interest groups, design professionals and developers to have our say on the next stage of the process. Since Ruddington’s precious green spaces have taken a significant hammering over the past few years – as a result of infill housing within our village, plus the ‘Rushcliffe Local Plan Part 2’ and its wider development consequences on…

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Country Park Parking Price Hike

Visitors who travel to Ruddington’s country park by car are being warned about substantial increases to the parking charges there this month. Following removal of the previous £1 all-day rate, from Wednesday 1st May 2024 those using the official parking at Rushcliffe Country Park now have to pay £1.50 to stay up to three hours and £3 hours to stay any longer than that.  That’s a rise of 50% and 300% respectively on the previous tariff. The cost of the annual car parking permit, for frequent park users, has also shot…

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Play Area Refurbishment Plans Announced

Plans to refurbish the children’s play area in Ruddington’s country park have been revealed today by Rushcliffe Borough Council (RBC). The authority says the changes at Rushcliffe Country Park will be made after the Easter holidays in April as part of its £175,000 of investment into local facilities. Works will include replacing the existing central space net with a new Kanope Tower multi-play unit featuring 14 different play elements and a new wooden trail. RBC  says this will offer panoramic views of the park, increase play opportunities with a new pendulum pod swing…

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It’s ‘Empty Homes Week’

Empty home owners in Ruddington are being urged to bring their property back into use with a range of assistance available from Rushcliffe Borough Council (RBC). As part of National Empty Homes Week this week, the authority is again appealing to property owners to use the advice and help on offer in line with its ‘Empty Homes Strategy’. RBC reveals it lowered its empty homes numbers by 10% between 2019 and 2023 and so remains below the national average of long-term empty properties totalling 0.83% of dwellings in the Borough,…

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A Smoke-Free Ruddington?

Residents and businesses in the village are being invited to share our views on a proposal to expand an existing ‘Smoke Control Area’ to cover all of Rushcliffe. Rushcliffe Borough Council (RBC) is considering revoking its existing Smoke Control Order in West Bridgford and Edwalton and replacing it with a single Smoke Control Order, covering the whole of the Borough, including Ruddington. The authority says its proposed plan is in line with the government’s air quality strategy which seeks to reduce levels of very fine particulates. This is with the…

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2024/2025 Ruddington Council Tax Rises

Ruddington residents now have a better idea of how much more we’ll need to budget for from this April, following our County Council’s annual announcement today (22nd February 2024). During the full Nottinghamshire County Council (NCC) budget meeting at County Hall it was agreed their Council Tax precept (the biggest share of the bills we pay) will rise by 2.84%, making it one of the lowest increases in the country. NCC has even created two handy pie charts (below) to show where the Council’s budget comes from and how it is…

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