Ruddington Bus Service Goes ‘On Demand’ Only

Following the announcement last November that Ruddington’s only timetabled bus service to Keyworth (via Wysall, Willoughy and Widmerpool) was under threat, Nottinghamshire County Council (NCC) has confirmed it’s being axed even sooner than envisaged – at the end of this week! After Saturday 20th July our current, six-day-a-week 863 NottsBus Connect scheduled service is being scrapped by NCC, along with the 850, 852 and 853 routes, in favour of  ‘DRT’ – Demand Responsive Transport. From Monday 22nd July, prospective passengers from Ruddington and elsewhere will need to pre-book each journey they wish…

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School Celebrates New Ofsted Report!

Staff, children and parents say they’re delighted that a Ruddington school judged to ‘Require Improvement’ two years’ ago has now been rated ‘Good’ in all areas. Pupils and staff gathered in the playing field at James Peacock Infant and Nursery School with balloons and banners {top photo} to celebrate the achievement. The very welcome report, just released by Ofsted, follows a two-day visit to the Manor Park based school by three inspectors in April, during which they assessed numerous aspects of its day-to-day running and curriculum. The school’s performance in the quality of…

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MP’s Ruddington Pothole Pledge

Rushcliffe’s Member of Parliament is promising to take action after being contacted by residents across our village complaining about the many potholes and deteriorating road surfaces here in Ruddington right now. On a flyer delivered to Ruddington households, Ruth Edwards MP says: “Working with your local county councillor, l have been collating these issues. In particular, Asher Lane, Mere Way and Flawforth Lane have all been highlighted. l also know there are some more general concerns about road maintenance and the deterioration of the road surface across the village, particularly between Ruddington and…

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Further School Places Disappointment for Village Families

Once again a significant number of Ruddington children have learned they will be separated from their life-long friends – as the shortage of school places for our village continues. Following this year’s ‘National Offer Day’ for Year 6 Pupils (which is at the start of March) Nottinghamshire County Council (NCC) has confirmed that nine St Peter’s Junior School children who put Rushcliffe Spencer Academy (Ruddington’s traditional ‘feeder’ school in West Bridgford) as their first choice, and live in the catchment, had to be offered an alternative Secondary School place elsewhere. Most of these disappointed…

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2024/2025 Ruddington Council Tax Rises

Ruddington residents now have a better idea of how much more we’ll need to budget for from this April, following our County Council’s annual announcement today (22nd February 2024). During the full Nottinghamshire County Council (NCC) budget meeting at County Hall it was agreed their Council Tax precept (the biggest share of the bills we pay) will rise by 2.84%, making it one of the lowest increases in the country. NCC has even created two handy pie charts (below) to show where the Council’s budget comes from and how it is…

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£336k of Ruddington Schools’ Cash to Expand Edwalton Academy!

Late last year we reported how Nottinghamshire County Council (NCC) had indicated the expansion of Rosecliffe Spencer Academy in Edwalton (top photo) would be the focus of its efforts to accommodate an increasing population of Ruddington children, rather than creating more school places here. This has now been confirmed in a ‘response’ from NCC to last summer’s petition by village resident Katie Santana on behalf of aggrieved parents in Ruddington. To their surprise and dismay at the time, a number of families living here found their children couldn’t get a place…

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No More School Places in Ruddington?

Nottinghamshire County Council has indicated that the expansion of a new school in Edwalton will be the focus of its efforts to accommodate future generations of Ruddington children, rather than creating more school places here. This is despite a summer petition by village resident Katie Santana on behalf of aggrieved parents in Ruddington whose children were unable to secure a place at James Peacock Nursery and Infants School in September. It’s the first time this has ever happened, and was blamed on the hundreds of new homes currently being built…

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Three Month Road Closure Announced

It seems 2024 is set to be just as difficult as 2023 has been for motorists trying to get into, out of, or through our busy village in a timely fashion; with a much used access road being SHUT for almost three months. Ever since long-overdue junction layout improvements and new utility installations at Ruddington’s Kirk Lane/Loughborough Road/Flawforth Lane crossroads finally began in July, their 4-way temporary signals have continued to cause frustration. Frequent peak-time hold-ups for motorists and disrupted bus services even prompted an apology from Nottinghamshire Counry Council (NCC). This ‘first’ phase…

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Further Ruddington Bus Cuts Revealed

With Ruddington’s population continuing to grow substantially, largely as a result of significant recent housebuilding on our former Green Belt, you might think there’d actually be the demand for more bus services to and from our busy village? Yet the cutbacks to NCT’s Navy 3 timetable, and the axing of CT4N’s number 22 and 23 services, tell a different story – one where increasing numbers of residents and village workers are choosing to hop into their cars and drive instead – or even to book a taxi – rather than take…

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No Parking on Parkyns Street!

Visitors to Ruddington village centre are being warned there’ll be fewer parking options for the next four days as one of the streets closest to our shops and amenities is closed to vehicles during essential work. Parkyns Street is scheduled to be shut in both directions from 8.00am this Monday 13th November until 5pm on Thursday 16th from its junction with Church Street to its junction with High Street – with diversions in place.** It’s for the installation of a new gas connection to the four new-build houses there. Once this is…

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