Ruddington Bus Service Goes ‘On Demand’ Only

Following the announcement last November that Ruddington’s only timetabled bus service to Keyworth (via Wysall, Willoughy and Widmerpool) was under threat, Nottinghamshire County Council (NCC) has confirmed it’s being axed even sooner than envisaged – at the end of this week! After Saturday 20th July our current, six-day-a-week 863 NottsBus Connect scheduled service is being scrapped by NCC, along with the 850, 852 and 853 routes, in favour of  ‘DRT’ – Demand Responsive Transport. From Monday 22nd July, prospective passengers from Ruddington and elsewhere will need to pre-book each journey they wish…

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Further Ruddington Bus Cuts Revealed

With Ruddington’s population continuing to grow substantially, largely as a result of significant recent housebuilding on our former Green Belt, you might think there’d actually be the demand for more bus services to and from our busy village? Yet the cutbacks to NCT’s Navy 3 timetable, and the axing of CT4N’s number 22 and 23 services, tell a different story – one where increasing numbers of residents and village workers are choosing to hop into their cars and drive instead – or even to book a taxi – rather than take…

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Family’s Fundraiser To Bring Baby Argyle Home

A Ruddington family is appealing for help to raise funds – to allow them to get their five month old baby boy home from hospital. After a complicated pregnancy, Argyle and his twin sister Thorunn, were born via cesarean section at the Queen’s Medical Centre (QMC) on October 24th last year at 35 weeks – weighing 6.4Ibs and 5.5Ibs respectively. Apart from a few feeding issues at the very start, baby Argyle appeared happy and healthy – however his breathing always seemed difficult. His mum and dad Charlotte and Kenny…

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