More Ruddington Bus Service Changes

Our main village bus operator has revealed further timetable changes to Ruddington’s Green 10 service soon – to be followed by brand new, eco-friendly Navy 3 buses early next year. Nottingham City Transport (NCT) says new schedules will be introduced across its network on Sunday 1st September 2024, with additional routes in some areas. This includes a new service to the Edwalton Fields housing development and a doubled Monday to Saturday daytime frequency for the Green 8 and 9 Compton Acres and Wilford Hill buses. Here in Ruddington, the Green 10, 10C and…

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Ruddington Bus Service Goes ‘On Demand’ Only

Following the announcement last November that Ruddington’s only timetabled bus service to Keyworth (via Wysall, Willoughy and Widmerpool) was under threat, Nottinghamshire County Council (NCC) has confirmed it’s being axed even sooner than envisaged – at the end of this week! After Saturday 20th July our current, six-day-a-week 863 NottsBus Connect scheduled service is being scrapped by NCC, along with the 850, 852 and 853 routes, in favour of  ‘DRT’ – Demand Responsive Transport. From Monday 22nd July, prospective passengers from Ruddington and elsewhere will need to pre-book each journey they wish…

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Further Ruddington Bus Cuts Revealed

With Ruddington’s population continuing to grow substantially, largely as a result of significant recent housebuilding on our former Green Belt, you might think there’d actually be the demand for more bus services to and from our busy village? Yet the cutbacks to NCT’s Navy 3 timetable, and the axing of CT4N’s number 22 and 23 services, tell a different story – one where increasing numbers of residents and village workers are choosing to hop into their cars and drive instead – or even to book a taxi – rather than take…

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Ruddington’s New ‘Green’ Buses on Schedule

Back in March we reported the announcement by Ruddington’s main bus operator that its entire fleet of 78 single decker buses will be fully electrified from 2023. This includes replacing the three diesel-powered Navy 3 branded ‘Optare Solo’ buses which Nottingham City Transport (NCT) currently uses for its Nottingham to Clifton route via Ruddington. The operator has just announced that Pelican Bus & Coach will deliver the first 12 of the fully electric buses to join the NCT fleet, which are expected to enter service in late 2023. Unfortunately, these zero-emission vehicles are not…

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Rise in Ruddington Bus Fares

Village transport operators have revealed a Hallowe’en scare for passengers – fare increases for most of their tickets from this Sunday, October 31st. Ruddington bus users will find the cost of their journeys increasing on Nottingham City Transport (NCT) Navy 3 and Green 10/ 10C/10X routes and on CT4N Services 22 & 23. Both operators say the fare rises are necessary to balance the books against increased operating costs and reduced government COVID funding for the bus industry. For NCT, the fares which change from Sunday 31st October 2021 are: Adults: Now From…

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‘Lockdown’ Bus Travel – May Update

Ruddington’s main bus operator is reminding passengers that we must travel only for essential journeys until there is a sufficient relaxation of the current government restrictions due to the COVID-19 Coronavirus. Until then, Nottingham City Transport (NCT) is running a ‘core network’ of services, including the Green 10 from our village to the City via Loughborough Road and the Wolds Estate. The revised timetable can be found >>HERE<<. This slimmed down service is to ensure key workers can still travel, along with those needing to use the bus for essential shopping or medical needs. You can find information…

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Ruddington’s Buses During the COVID-19 Lockdown

Whilst most of us should be avoiding all travel and staying at home during the Coranvirus pandemic, Nottingham City Transport is maintaining a core service on its Green 10 route for key workers from our village and those needing to get by bus to Ruddington’s shops for essential supplies. The Navy 3 is not running until further notice, however you can find and download the current Green 10 timetable >>HERE<<. The company says: “These are uncertain times and we appreciate that lots of you have concerns and questions about how COVID-19 will impact on bus services, your…

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Ruddington Bus Services Saved

Two popular Ruddington bus services due to be axed because of Council budget cuts have been saved by their existing operator. CT4N, part of Nottingham Community Transport, which currently runs the the Locallink L22 and L23 services on behalf of the city and county councils, has decided to continue to operate them on a commercial basis. These buses – which connect Ruddington with Clifton, Silverdale, Wilford Lane, West Bridgford Town Centre, Gamston and Lady Bay – were due to end on on June 1st, 2019. This followed a decision by Nottingham City Council last…

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