Further Parking Restrictions at Dutton’s Hill?

Villagers may be interested to hear that plans are afoot to increase periods when parking is prohibited at a notorious Ruddington bottleneck. Currently, consultees including Nottinghamshire Highways and local Councillors are getting an opportunity to give their thoughts about additional parking restrictions along Wilford Road at ‘Dutton’s Hill’ (pictured top) before VIA East Midlands puts final proposals to the wider public. In between double yellow lines there are three stretches of sometimes unrestricted parking which can accommodate up to seven vehicles. However, the move towards further restrictions is primarily as a…

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MP’s Ruddington Pothole Pledge

Rushcliffe’s Member of Parliament is promising to take action after being contacted by residents across our village complaining about the many potholes and deteriorating road surfaces here in Ruddington right now. On a flyer delivered to Ruddington households, Ruth Edwards MP says: “Working with your local county councillor, l have been collating these issues. In particular, Asher Lane, Mere Way and Flawforth Lane have all been highlighted. l also know there are some more general concerns about road maintenance and the deterioration of the road surface across the village, particularly between Ruddington and…

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New Crossing Plans Revealed

Eagle-eyed villagers who’ve ventured down Clifton Road during the past couple of days may have wondered why men in fluorescent jackets were digging up a perfectly good pavement!? Well, we can reveal it’s part of ‘exploratory’ excavation work to determine the depth of utility services there for ‘design purposes’ for the installation of a proposed ‘Toucan’ pedestrian crossing.  As well as workers digging up the pavement area outside ‘Victoria Court’ (see photos) they’re also digging on the opposite side of Clifton Road in the grass verge and on the pavement adjacent…

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‘Devolution’ Consultation Deadline Approaching

Ruddingtonians are being reminded that time is running out to have our say on proposed regulatory changes which could impact many aspects of village life – including housing, transport, education and the environment. On August 30th 2022 the leaders of Nottinghamshire County Council, Nottingham City Council, Derbyshire County Council and Derby City Council all signed up to work on proposals to set up a brand new body called the East Midlands Combined County Authority (EMCCA). It followed an announcement from the Government that a package of new powers and funding, worth…

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Dutton’s Hill Closed Again

Unfortunately there are several sets of highway works liable to cause inconvenience and delays for Ruddington motorists during July. These include the total closure of Dutton’s Hill again over the next two Sundays for more gas work. Although these ‘Prohibition of Driving’ notices on that section of Wilford Road should not impinge on weekday traffic this time, drivers cutting through the estate to avoid a longer diversionary route are liable to result in further frustration for home owners along St John’s Road and St Mary’s Crescent in particular. Water connection…

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Ruddington’s Summer Roadworks

Despite the continuing construction of four major new housing developments in Ruddington, no very disruptive roadworks are planned around our village during the summer of 2022 so far. Nevertheless, there are several sets of highway works liable to cause some inconvenience and delays for village motorists over the coming weeks. These include two total closures of Dutton’s Hill this July for more gas work. Although both of these ‘Prohibition of Driving’ notices are scheduled only for Sundays, traffic cutting through the estate to avoid a longer diversionary route is liable to…

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Beware Ruddington Road Restrictions

A weekend of parking prohibition along Mere Way, a morning of temporary traffic lights on High Street and a further complete closure of Dutton’s Hill are among the scheduled works liable to cause disruption over the coming days and weeks in and around Ruddington. Firstly, during all of the weekend Saturday and Sunday 14th and 15th May, and again on Saturday 21st May, many motorists who use Mere Way to park up whilst visiting Rushcliffe Country Park or Nottingham Transport Heritage Centre will not be able to do so. Most of the parking will…

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More Village Centre Road Closures

Further complete closures of Ruddington’s main shopping street and Dutton’s Hill are among the roadworks liable to cause disruption over the next few months in and around our village. Firstly, there’s Easter Day work (Sunday 17th April) by Severn Trent for repair and maintenance on High Street, meaning the road will be closed throughout the day with diversions in operation. Nottingham City Transport says between 08:00-17:00 its Green 10/C service will divert: turning left onto Easthorpe St, right on the A60 and right onto Kirk Lane (10) or straight on…

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New Emergency Works Cause Delays

Drivers accessing Ruddington along Clifton Road are facing unexpected hold-ups after temporary traffic lights appeared there this morning (Thursday 24th March). A gas leak was detected between the Old Station Drive turn and the Pasture Lane roundabout – resulting in Cadent Gas installing 24 hour two-way signals and digging up the westbound carriageway over the former railway bridge. As this is one of Ruddington’s busiest routes, motorists are being warned to expect delays – especially at peak times – while the escape is traced, excavated and repaired.  We’re being warned…

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New Parking Restrictions Start Soon

Residents and visitors wishing to park in the Easthorpe Street area of Ruddington will soon have fewer options – due to new parking prohibitions being introduced along a residential side road. Nottinghamshire County Council (NCC) has revealed its work to paint new double yellow lines all along the eastern side and top turning circle of Cumberland Close is scheduled to take place from March 7th to 9th. The new ‘no parking at any time’ restrictions are the result of a campaign by home owners in the village cul-de-sac. There’s been long-standing…

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