Roadworks Disruption Set to Worsen

Ruddington residents and businesses are being warned that existing roadworks, coupled with additional highways work which is soon to begin in and near our village, means traffic delays and disruption are likely to get even worse over the coming months. As previously reported, the over-running major project to reshape one of our busiest junctions at the Loughborough Road/Kirk Lane/Flawforth Lane crossroads is now set to continue with four-way temporary traffic signals until Friday 8th November – some sixteen months since work first began. Not only that, it’s planned that Flawforth…

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Will the General Election Affect House Prices?

The Labour Party has enjoyed a landslide UK General Election victory this month – and even returned Ruddington’s first Labour MP in over half a century. Although housing was not top of everyone’s agenda this time around, it’s still an important subject that many home owners, and soon-to-be first time buyers, are watching very closely, writes Benwell Daykin Estate Agents. But has the General Election impacted house prices already, and will it cause any significant changes now the election has taken place? Has the general election affected house prices so far?…

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Free Support and Advice for Ruddington Businesses

High street business owners in our village are being invited to sign up to a new support programme to access a range of free advice, training and grant opportunities, to help their business grow and become more sustainable. Even better, it won’t cost them a penny since the Rushcliffe Accelerator project is funded by the UK Government through the UK Shared Prosperity Fund (UKSPF). Through the Accelerator, businesses can access a range of support including: • 1:1 business advice • A range of free training and workshops • Energy audits…

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Roadworks Will Continue Until November!

The major work to reshape Ruddington’s busiest crossroads is set to cause significant disruption again from this Friday (7th June 2024) when four-way temporary traffic signals will be back in use at the Loughborough Road/Kirk Lane/Flawforth Lane junction. Now we’re being told these will be needed until Friday 8th November! The unwelcome revelation by VIA East Midlands, that the expected completion date has been pushed back yet another four weeks, means the work to improve the layout of this increasingly busy village crossroads will ultimately have taken sixteen months. Since it began…

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Nottingham Property Prices Summer 2024

UK house prices are growing again throughout the country writes Ruddington’s Benwell Daykin Estate Agents. The latest data for May, released at the beginning of June, suggest prices rose 0.4 per cent in the last 4 weeks. This data comes straight from Nationwide. House prices have remained fairly static throughout Spring 2024, however a small rise in wages and a dip in inflation has meant prices are on an upward trend once more. The average UK house price now stands at £264,249, compared to £261,962 in April. Nottingham house prices in…

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Disruptive Junction Work Restarts

After originally being rescheduled to resume on May 7th, and then being postponed until May 28th, the major work to reshape Ruddington’s busiest crossroads is now set to begin again this Monday, 20th May. These past few weeks have been welcome respite for long-suffering residents and motorists, during which Flawforth Lane has reopened and the temporary traffic lights at the junction with Loughborough Road and Kirk Lane removed. However, the final phase will see both of these return between now and the anticipated October 2024 completion date. Since this major…

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The Surprising Property Type with Rapid House Price Growth

It’s likely you will have heard reports that house prices have dropped over the last few months writes Ruddington’s Benwell Daykin Estate Agents. Although this is true in some areas, prices are beginning to rise once more according to Halifax. This is of course good news for home owners looking to sell or those looking to release some equity. But there’s one particular property type with prices rising faster than anything else – flats! With borrowing costs higher than they have been for a number of years, buyers are struggling…

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Ruddington Crossroads Work Resumes Soon

After a welcome respite for long-suffering residents and motorists, during which Flawforth Lane has reopened and the temporary traffic lights at the junction with Loughborough Road and Kirk Lane removed, Ruddington’s seemingly never-ending crossroads work will be back soon. Since this major highways project began in July 2023, to improve the layout of the increasingly busy Ruddington junction, it has caused major frustration for both villagers and visitors. Before the widening work could even begin, numerous contractors including Cadent Gas, Severn Trent Water, National Grid, Virgin Media and BT Openreach – have had to be called in…

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Flawforth Lane Shuts Completely

The end of the Easter holidays heralds another period of disruption for Ruddington’s long-suffering residents and motorists due to the long-term junction remodelling work at the Kirk Lane/Loughborough Road/Flawforth Lane crossroads. From Tuesday 2nd until Friday 26th April 2024 the current one-way system between Flawforth Avenue and Loughborough Road is replaced with the complete closure of Flawforth Lane at that point for Cadent Gas to complete its mains pipe work under the road. As well as this meaning a long way around for through-traffic, residents and businesses along Flawforth Lane and Flawforth Avenue, and…

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Easter 2024 Colouring Competition Winners

Both children and adults in Ruddington are being invited to take part in an ‘egg-citing’ challenge up to and including Easter for a chance to win various prizes – including lots of chocolate, of course! PLEASE NOTE: This competition is now closed and all the winners are listed below. Children Amy Danica Willow Oliver Adaline Isobel Florence Wilf Keira Mattie Oliver Emily Harry Harley Adults Joanne Alix Emily Heidi Sarah Well done to everyone who took part! The ‘Easter Colouring Competition’ is run each year by village-based Independent Estate and…

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