Susan’s ‘Grand Day Out’ in Ruddington!

Our village is to feature on national television again this week thanks to Glaswegian comedian Susan Calman. For the second episode of her seventh series of ‘Grand Day Out’ on Channel Five, Susan hits the road to Nottinghamshire – including a visit to Ruddington’s increasingly famous Framework Knitters’ Museum. Amongst other things, she’s taught how to knit on one of the Griswold circular knitting machines. Although filming for this episode happened in April, those at the Chapel Street tourist attraction have been sworn to secrecy until now.  Even Susan’s rather…

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Free Support and Advice for Ruddington Businesses

High street business owners in our village are being invited to sign up to a new support programme to access a range of free advice, training and grant opportunities, to help their business grow and become more sustainable. Even better, it won’t cost them a penny since the Rushcliffe Accelerator project is funded by the UK Government through the UK Shared Prosperity Fund (UKSPF). Through the Accelerator, businesses can access a range of support including: • 1:1 business advice • A range of free training and workshops • Energy audits…

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Museum Volunteers’ Special Day

On His Majesty’s 75th birthday last November we reported the very happy news that individuals and groups volunteering at Ruddington’s Framework Knitters’ Museum (FWK) had been awarded the prestigious King’s Award for Voluntary Service. This is the highest Royal accolade a local voluntary group can receive in the UK, and is equivalent to an MBE. FWK was one of 262 local charities, social enterprises and voluntary groups to receive our new King’s first awards in 2023. Their work, along with others from across the UK, aims to remind us about all the…

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May’s Mayday Farewell

Residents and visitors who flocked to enjoy Ruddington Parish Council’s ‘Merry Monday’ event on The Green this week might not have realised it was also their last chance to see perhaps our village’s most famous vintage vehicle in action (on location above). After almost a decade serving barista coffee to Ruddington and beyond out of their converted 1965 VW Split Screen Campervan, owners of The Split Screen Food & Drink Company have revealed they’re putting ‘May’ up for sale. They say the decision to sell their iconic vehicle comes after careful consideration of various…

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‘Shade Sails’ in the Park

Regular visitors to Rushcliffe Country Park here in Ruddington may already have noticed two rather ‘striking’ new additions between the children’s play area and outdoor gym/new skatepark. Officially called ‘Shade Sails’ (pictured top), they have been erected among the picnic benches to provide welcome shelter from the sun during the summer months, and protection from rain during the wet, winter months. They were funded by a visitor who made a generous donation in her will to a favourite park she had visited many times over the years. It’s possible the new structures rather…

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Museum Volunteers’ Accolade from The King!

It’s been revealed that individuals and groups volunteering at Ruddington’s Framework Knitters’ Museum (FWK) have been awarded the prestigious King’s Award for Voluntary Service 2023. Announced on His Majesty’s 75th Birthday today (14th November 2023), it is the highest Royal accolade a local voluntary group can receive in the UK, and is equivalent to an MBE. FWK is one of 262 local charities, social enterprises and voluntary groups to receive our new King’s first awards this year. Their work, along with others from across the UK, aims to remind us about…

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Ruddington Museum Becomes New Travellers’ Choice

The Framework Knitters’ Museum on Chapel Street has just gained an international accolade – a TripAdvisor ‘Travelers’ Choice Award’ for 2023! Each year the travel comparison website recognises favourite attractions around the world, based on reviews and ratings collected over the past year. These TripAdvisor reviews have elevated our museum into the top 10% of visitor attractions worldwide. The preserved Ruddington heritage site one of very few places left in the country where you’ll find the working and living conditions of the once large framework knitting industry. Sarah Godfrey, creative and…

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Green Memory Café to Continue

After successfully trialling the idea a couple of months’ ago, organisers of a new initiative in Ruddington for people living with memory loss (and their carers) is set to be held here every two months. The ‘Rushcliffe Green Memory Café’ will continue to take place in and around the newly refurbished Visitor Centre by the lake in Rushcliffe Country Park – with the next one happening this Wednesday 16th August. Once again you’re invited along to experience nature-based activities, short walks or simply to relax, socialise and enjoy the beautiful surroundings. Indoor and…

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Take Control of Thomas & his Friends!

“Take Control of  Thomas, Percy and James on our outdoor island layout” says the Ruddington Model Railway Club. You’ll have 5 minutes for just a couple of pounds from 11am to 3pm – on a first come basis. This mid-week treat is Wednesday 23rd August at Ruddington’s Nottingham Transport Heritage Centre, next to Rushcliffe Country Park. This event will run in conjunction with the Heritage cafe’s ‘Kids Eat for £1’ on this date. As usual, subject to weather and available volunteers the miniature railway will be running, which his a great ride-on experience. Entry to…

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MoD 40th Anniversary Celebration

This Sunday, 30th July, Ruddington is marking the 40th anniversary of the Ministry of Defence (MoD) vacating the area of our village which is now home to the Nottingham Transport Heritage Centre and Rushcliffe Country Park. The Mere Way site is holding a day of recollection via photographs, guided walks, artefacts and visiting ex military vehicles, some of which were originally sold at the Ruddington sales. Entry to this event is £2.00 per adult with children free. Due to the visiting vehicle exhibits, you’re advised there’ll only be limited onsite parking,…

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