May’s Mayday Farewell

Residents and visitors who flocked to enjoy Ruddington Parish Council’s ‘Merry Monday’ event on The Green this week might not have realised it was also their last chance to see perhaps our village’s most famous vintage vehicle in action (on location above). After almost a decade serving barista coffee to Ruddington and beyond out of their converted 1965 VW Split Screen Campervan, owners of The Split Screen Food & Drink Company have revealed they’re putting ‘May’ up for sale. They say the decision to sell their iconic vehicle comes after careful consideration of various…

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Sustainable Marketing Workshop

“Join us to hear from inspiring local speakers on how to improve your businesses marketing and sustainability practices” say Rushcliffe Business Partnership (RBP). This 2-hour workshop is held at Rushcliffe Country Park Visitor Centre on Thursday 20th July.   Organisers are aiming for around fifty to sixty delegates. The event will be a networking opportunity to be inspired by guest speakers, and other businesses as you learn about their services and share your entrepreneurial experiences. RBP outlines some of what you can expect between 9.30am and 11.30am: – Registration, networking, and exhibitors…

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Happy Anniversary at Parker’s Yard! 

It’s now twelve months since Ruddington’s The Split Screen Coffee Company began operating the café based within Ruddington’s Framework Knitters’ Museum (FKM) – and its owners are pleased to report their business is going from strength to strength. The independent coffee roasting company was founded in 2015 by village resident and former teacher Jennifer Walker. She sums up her entreprenaurial experience as a massive learning curve – having left the teaching profession to gain a better work-life balance and spend more time with her family. The Split Screen Coffee Company began eight years’ ago as…

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