Susan’s ‘Grand Day Out’ in Ruddington!

Our village is to feature on national television again this week thanks to Glaswegian comedian Susan Calman. For the second episode of her seventh series of ‘Grand Day Out’ on Channel Five, Susan hits the road to Nottinghamshire – including a visit to Ruddington’s increasingly famous Framework Knitters’ Museum. Amongst other things, she’s taught how to knit on one of the Griswold circular knitting machines. Although filming for this episode happened in April, those at the Chapel Street tourist attraction have been sworn to secrecy until now.  Even Susan’s rather…

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Museum Volunteers’ Special Day

On His Majesty’s 75th birthday last November we reported the very happy news that individuals and groups volunteering at Ruddington’s Framework Knitters’ Museum (FWK) had been awarded the prestigious King’s Award for Voluntary Service. This is the highest Royal accolade a local voluntary group can receive in the UK, and is equivalent to an MBE. FWK was one of 262 local charities, social enterprises and voluntary groups to receive our new King’s first awards in 2023. Their work, along with others from across the UK, aims to remind us about all the…

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Museum Volunteers’ Accolade from The King!

It’s been revealed that individuals and groups volunteering at Ruddington’s Framework Knitters’ Museum (FWK) have been awarded the prestigious King’s Award for Voluntary Service 2023. Announced on His Majesty’s 75th Birthday today (14th November 2023), it is the highest Royal accolade a local voluntary group can receive in the UK, and is equivalent to an MBE. FWK is one of 262 local charities, social enterprises and voluntary groups to receive our new King’s first awards this year. Their work, along with others from across the UK, aims to remind us about…

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Ruddington Museum Becomes New Travellers’ Choice

The Framework Knitters’ Museum on Chapel Street has just gained an international accolade – a TripAdvisor ‘Travelers’ Choice Award’ for 2023! Each year the travel comparison website recognises favourite attractions around the world, based on reviews and ratings collected over the past year. These TripAdvisor reviews have elevated our museum into the top 10% of visitor attractions worldwide. The preserved Ruddington heritage site one of very few places left in the country where you’ll find the working and living conditions of the once large framework knitting industry. Sarah Godfrey, creative and…

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Framework Knitters Ready for the Summer!

Volunteers and staff at Ruddington’s Framework Knitters’ Museum are once again showing visitors the delights of their unique heritage site, following the completion of refurbishment work there costing £62,295. The funds for the work were awarded through the Arts Council of England’s Museum Estate and Development Fund (MEND). MEND is an open-access capital fund, which is designed to help museums and local authorities undertake infrastructure and urgent maintenance that are beyond the scope of day-to-day maintenance budgets. The fact that the Grade II listed cottage and frameshops at the Chapel…

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‘The Big Swap Shop’ in Ruddington

Recycling and re-using are at the heart of a special ‘pre-loved’ clothing event coming to our village next month. Ruddington’s award-winning Framework Knitters’ Museum is teaming up with ‘The Big Swap Shop’ to host a swap and ‘slow’ fashion event on Saturday 10th June from 6pm to 9pm. Organisers say it will be ‘family-friendly’ event, which will be held at the museum on Chapel Street. It will see a ‘twilight’ evening with a fashion mini market as well as local slow traders. Guests will also experience textile demonstrations and an…

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Adopt a Flower Bed!

An imaginative volunteering idea has been unveiled by a Ruddington tourist attraction aiming to get all generations involved at its village centre heritage site. The Framework Knitters’ Museum on Chapel Street has launched a campaign to find two ‘green fingered’ families over the summer holidays. Those chosen will adopt a flower bed, in the museum’s gardens, and be given British cottage flowers to tend to once a week throughout June, July and August. Families will also explore and identify the type of plants and flowers, how best to care for them, their…

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International Women’s Day Award for Helen

Ruddington’s Framework Knitters’ Museum is celebrating its long-standing textile artist and technical demonstrator, Helen Brownett, by presenting her with an achievement award for International Women’s Day, which is TODAY (Wednesday 8th March 2023). The accolade is in recognition of Helen’s 28 years of service here, inspiring thousands of visitors and encouraging many to become interested in knitting on the museum’s hand powered ‘Griswold’ machines. Helen is best known for her elaborate ‘office’; which is filled with hundreds of yarns of wool, creating a unique and vibrant workspace! Museum manager Sarah Godfrey…

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Merry Christmas Ruddington!

After an especially busy build-up to the festive celebrations in our village this year, now that COVID-19 restrictions are well behind us, Christmas Day 2022 is finally here… with those ‘Twelve Days of Christmas’ only just beginning. The team at would like to take this opportunity to wish all our readers, contributors and valued village advertisers the full compliments of the season. Without you, our truly local community website would not exist, so we thank you for your continuing support. We’d also like to share this slideshow of some…

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Ruddington’s New Gift Shop

The retail area of one of Ruddington’s top tourist attractions has been transformed this week thanks to a significant cash boost. We reported in October how £8,335 had been awarded towards The Framework Knitter’s Museum‘s ‘Shop Improvement Project’ through the Museum Development East Midlands (MDEM)’s Recovery and Reboot Grants. This also included core funding and a donation from ‘The Friends of the Ruddington Framework Knitters’ Museum’. It’s involved the installation of a reception desk for ‘point of sale’ alongside extensive new display cabinets and shelving in ‘Parker’s Yard’ – which sits within the former…

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