Santa’s Seasonal Schedule

Of course, the most hectic time of all for Santa Claus is Christmas Eve into Christmas Day morning, when he has to deliver presents all around the world, to every boy and girl who’ve been good, whilst they’re sleeping. However, it seems Father Christmas is also set to be very busy in the festive period beforehand, with several appearances right here in Ruddington – meaning either you can go along to meet him or that he’ll be paying an early visit to us. First up, although Santa will be coming…

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Framework Knitters Ready for the Summer!

Volunteers and staff at Ruddington’s Framework Knitters’ Museum are once again showing visitors the delights of their unique heritage site, following the completion of refurbishment work there costing £62,295. The funds for the work were awarded through the Arts Council of England’s Museum Estate and Development Fund (MEND). MEND is an open-access capital fund, which is designed to help museums and local authorities undertake infrastructure and urgent maintenance that are beyond the scope of day-to-day maintenance budgets. The fact that the Grade II listed cottage and frameshops at the Chapel…

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Santa’s Tours of Ruddington

After travel restrictions due to COVID-19 last year thwarted Santa’s plans to do his usual pre-Christmas visit to our village, Father Christmas has announced he will be doing two tours of Ruddington this year – starting TODAY! As last year, from 11am to 5pm this Friday (December 10th) a giant, inflatable Santa has replaced the big man in the Rushcliffe Rotary Club‘s fundraising sleigh on Church Street, near the Co-op (top photo), for a static collection. However, Father Christmas himself will then arrive to tour the residential streets of Ruddington – waving…

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‘Behind The Scenes’ at Ruddington’s Framework Knitters’ Museum

Villagers and visitors are being given the opportunity to view the progress on an ambitious project enabled by National Lottery cash and other funding sources to double the size of a unique Ruddington heritage site on Chapel Street. From Sunday 6th June to Saturday 12th June there are tours ‘Behind the Scenes’ at the Framework Knitters’ Museum as part of ‘National Lottery Open Week’ 2021. It’s a chance to see how the expansion work is progressing into the recently purchased ‘Gunn Cottage’ – which sits between the existing museum and its…

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