It’s The Rudd Gnomolympics!

Our nationally famous Ruddington Yarn Bombers have gone ‘international’ for their latest topical tribute – paying homage to the 2024 Summer Olympics in France! Installed right on time for today’s grand opening ceremony of The Games of the XXXIII Olympiad in Paris – providing the TV spectacle of thousands of real life Olympians sailing along the Seine (and the rest!) – the Yarn Ninjas’ latest display is to be found to the front of St Peter’s Rooms on Church Street. Katie Goy says: “Thank you to ‘Team Rudd Yarn Ninjas’…

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Thousands Raised During ‘Open Gardens’ Event

Organisers of last weekend’s ‘Ruddington Open Gardens’ have revealed it was another great success – securing well over £6,000 to split between their two chosen kids’ charities. For the fourth time, on Saturday & Sunday 1st & 2nd July 2024, people across our village allowed public access to their own green spaces, for a one-off payment of £5, to help raise funds for Save the Children and Action for Children. Jane Piggott says: “The huge success was thanks to the tremendous support of local gardeners and allotment holders, village businesses, the Ruddington Yarn Ninjas,…

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‘Open Gardens’ Countdown Begins

The organisers of a popular, village weekend – which takes place only every other year – say programmes for this summer’s event are now on sale. Ruddington Open Gardens 2024 is being held on Saturday and Sunday 1st and 2nd June from 2pm until 6pm. This time around, 13 private gardens around the village will open for viewing, plus the gardens at The Cottage Hotel and behind the Debbie Bryan Gallery on High Street. Hareham Gardens and Paradise Gardens allotments will also be open to the public. ‘Live’ music is…

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Will You Open YOUR Garden for Charity?

After returning post-pandemic in 2022, it’s been confirmed the (usually) biennial ‘Ruddington Open Gardens’ event is being staged again this summer. In fact, planning is already underway for Saturday 1st and Sunday 2nd June 2024, when gardens and allotments in our village will be opening in aid of two charities from 2.00pm to 6.00pm on both days. As previously, all proceeds from the event will be split between Save the Children and Action for Children. Residents willing to participate in this year’s two-day horticultural feast are now being invited to get in touch.…

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Penguin Spotters Wanted!

We’d expect no less from our nationally famous Ruddington Yarn Bombers than to adorn our village in amazing, festive style at this time of year. However, the Yarn Ninjas’ Christmas creations this time around have surpassed even previous standards – including giving the kids something fun to do between now and the end of this month.  Called the ‘Pesky Penguins Trail’, youngsters are invited to see how many of the little black and white knitted birds – in various attire – they can find lurking in different locations around Ruddington.…

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Ruddington Remembers

A brand new knitted postbox topper and poppy wreath made by the famous ‘Ruddington Yarn Ninjas’ are among the ways our village is paying its respects this year to those who gave their lives to defend our country. Also returning to the St Peter’s Church railings in front of the War Memorial is the giant poppy, comprising over a hundred individual poppies, which was crafted last year by both members of the Yarn Ninjas and Ruddington Women’s Institute. The pillar box ‘topper’ outside the Co-op on Church Street is new…

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Flowers and ‘Busy Bug Trail’ in Ruddington

You may already have spotted the new, knitted floral displays adorning parts of our village centre this summer, thanks to the collective creative talents of those ‘Ruddington Yarn Ninjas’. What perhaps you might not realise is that, as well as this latest ‘yarn bomb’, there’s a ‘Busy Bug Trail’ around Ruddington for the kids to follow, too. Ninja Katie Goy explains: “Some of the lovely traders around the village have been visited by our busy bugs this summer. How many can you find and where are they?” “ALSO enter our free prize…

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Coronation ‘Yarn Bomb’ Vandalised Again

Public displays created and installed in our village by ‘Ruddington Yarn Ninjas’ – to celebrate the Coronation of King Charles III – have been targeted for a second time. The imaginative and considerable efforts of numerous local knitters, pom-pom and tassle-makers, crocheters and sewists from the ‘Handmade in Rudd’ Facebook group and beyond have been widely praised and enjoyed. However, it seems someone is determined to spoil it for the majority. After their ‘Royal Couple’ postbox topper was hastily repaired by Ninja Christine Hawkins on the Friday before the Coronation – following her…

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A ‘Yarn Bomb’ Fit For a King

It’s only a month since their last ‘Ruddington Yarn Bomb’ for Easter, but our local knitters, pom pom and tassle makers, crocheters and sewists from the ‘Handmade in Rudd’ Facebook group and beyond have been working flat out, before and since, to create their latest display in time for The King’s Coronation. The now famous ‘Ruddington Yarn Ninjas’ have created lots of brand new pieces to adorn the village centre, as well as an update to last year’s Queen’s Platinum Jubilee church railings ‘royal balcony’ tapestry to reflect the key Royal players this time around. Chief…

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Happy Valentine’s Day!

St Valentine is the latest subject to receive the attention of talented creatives in and around our village for their current ‘Ruddington Yarn Bomb’. Whilst the pillar box topper on Church Street gets changed quite frequently, ‘Ruddington Yarn Ninjas’ pulled out all the stops again in preparation for Valentine’s Day 2023 by knitting and crocheting romantically themed pieces to adorn other village centre locations, too. Some of these latest creations can be seen above and below, courtesy of Emma Scott, but there are even more to enjoy on their dedicated Facebook…

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