After just over eight years providing a daily updated news and events service for our village community, has ceased operating as a business from today, 1st August 2024. It means this website will no longer be publishing any further news stories or events listings, although it will be kept online as a general Ruddington information resource and village news archive for the foreseeable future. Paid for advertising and promotion will cease, too. However, some AdBoxes will remain for current advertisers who pledge instead to make a monthly donation to a…
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Thousands Raised During ‘Open Gardens’ Event
Organisers of last weekend’s ‘Ruddington Open Gardens’ have revealed it was another great success – securing well over £6,000 to split between their two chosen kids’ charities. For the fourth time, on Saturday & Sunday 1st & 2nd July 2024, people across our village allowed public access to their own green spaces, for a one-off payment of £5, to help raise funds for Save the Children and Action for Children. Jane Piggott says: “The huge success was thanks to the tremendous support of local gardeners and allotment holders, village businesses, the Ruddington Yarn Ninjas,…
Read More‘Open Gardens’ Countdown Begins
The organisers of a popular, village weekend – which takes place only every other year – say programmes for this summer’s event are now on sale. Ruddington Open Gardens 2024 is being held on Saturday and Sunday 1st and 2nd June from 2pm until 6pm. This time around, 13 private gardens around the village will open for viewing, plus the gardens at The Cottage Hotel and behind the Debbie Bryan Gallery on High Street. Hareham Gardens and Paradise Gardens allotments will also be open to the public. ‘Live’ music is…
Read MoreBloomin’ Dementia Easter Event
You’re invited to the Bloomin’ Dementia Easter Event. It’s at The Cottage Hotel from 12-noon to 2pm. You can expect a raffle, along with FREE tea and coffee. Also sandwiches will be available. You’ll need to book your place! Please either pop into the Bloomin’ Dementia Hub at 4 Easthorpe Street in Ruddington or email “Formed in 2017, Bloomin’ Dementia is a charity focused and committed to the relief of those living with dementia and related disorders. We aim to offer support to the individual (and their close family) with…
Read MoreWill You Open YOUR Garden for Charity?
After returning post-pandemic in 2022, it’s been confirmed the (usually) biennial ‘Ruddington Open Gardens’ event is being staged again this summer. In fact, planning is already underway for Saturday 1st and Sunday 2nd June 2024, when gardens and allotments in our village will be opening in aid of two charities from 2.00pm to 6.00pm on both days. As previously, all proceeds from the event will be split between Save the Children and Action for Children. Residents willing to participate in this year’s two-day horticultural feast are now being invited to get in touch.…
Read MoreRuddington Riders Receive Mayoral Support
The Ruddington branch of the Riding for the Disabled Association (RDA) is among those in the Borough set to benefit from extra cash this year thanks to the current Mayor of Rushcliffe. Cllr Debbie Mason was elected as Mayor on May 25th 2023 for a period of 12 months. It is customary for the incoming Mayor to select and support a favourite local charity for the year, and Cllr Mason chose RDA – which helps school children with learning difficulties to ride for therapy and enjoyment. She revealed: “I have a real passion…
Read MoreMacmillan Coffee Morning
Everyone is welcome! The Macmillan Coffee Morning is a get together to raise money for people living with cancer. It’s on for a couple of hours from 10am to 12-noon at Shrimpton Court, off Elms Park, on Friday 29th September. Since the fundraising morning started in 1990 the charity has raised over £290 million nationwide for Macmillan Cancer Support. It says: “It was a rather small affair with a simple idea: guests would gather over coffee and donate the cost of their cuppa to Macmillan in the process. It was so…
Read MoreRuddington Community Choir Charity Concert
This is a charity concert by Ruddington Community Choir in aid of Bloomin’ Dementia. It is held in the Ruddington Methodist Church at 2:30pm on Saturday 22nd July. At the event you can also talk to a charity representative about their work. The charity formed in 2017 with the aim to be ‘focused and committed to the relief of those living with dementia and related disorders in Nottinghamshire and the surrounding areas.’ Concert tickets are £6 per person – to include refreshments – and you can get yours by calling 0115 984 5375. Also…
Read MoreRebecca’s Swim in Memory of Dad
A Ruddington resident who did her first fundraising challenge last summer to raise money for Bowel Cancer UK is encouraging other villagers to do likewise this year. Rebecca Thompson (pictured top with her dad) wanted to take part in ‘Swim15’ because bowel cancer runs in her family. Sadly her father, Tim, died of the disease aged just 60 in January 2021. “My dad had a cancerous polyp removed in 2017″ recalls Rebecca. “On follow up CT scans he was told that the cancer had spread, which meant it was inoperable.…
Read MoreSave the Children ‘Fun Dog Show’
Enter your doggy at the ‘Fun Dog Show’ to raise funds for Save the Children – it’s £2 per entry. This charity event will be on Saturday 20th May at Rushcliffe Country Park – on the field opposite to the Children’s Play Area – from 12.30pm to 3.30pm. Entries can be registered on the day from 12.30pm and the judging will begin at 1.00pm. You can also register in advance by picking up an entry form from The Pet Pantry on High Street. The show classes are: Waggiest Tail Most Handsome Dog Prettiest Bitch Most…
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