MP’s Ruddington Pothole Pledge

Rushcliffe’s Member of Parliament is promising to take action after being contacted by residents across our village complaining about the many potholes and deteriorating road surfaces here in Ruddington right now. On a flyer delivered to Ruddington households, Ruth Edwards MP says: “Working with your local county councillor, l have been collating these issues. In particular, Asher Lane, Mere Way and Flawforth Lane have all been highlighted. l also know there are some more general concerns about road maintenance and the deterioration of the road surface across the village, particularly between Ruddington and…

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Who You Gonna Call? Gum-busters!

If you’ve noticed a hardworking crew in Ruddington village centre, wearing fluorescent orange suits and intriguing backpacks which wouldn’t have looked out of place in a blockbusting 1980s supernatural comedy film, you may have wondered what on earth’s going on?! Well, as Ruddington’s (Ray?) ‘Nosey’ Parker of News, we can reveal the trio are from Rushcliffe Borough Council’s ‘Streetwise’ team!  They’re here at the moment to continue a Rushcliffe-wide initiative tackling chewing gum ‘hot spots’ – blitzing our own village centre pavements last Saturday and again this weekend to finish…

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Ruddington Flood Clear-up Continues

Traders on Ruddington’s High Street have continued to mop up and assess the damage today after yesterday’s torrential rain which flooded many of their premises. The late afternoon downpour occurred as freak summer weather hit our village just after 5pm, turning roads into rivers in just minutes. Residents and business people captured the images below just after the deluge – which caused scenes the like of which most villagers had never witnessed before. You can read more >>HERE<<. This morning, members of Rushcliffe Borough Council‘s ‘Streetwise’ team were onsite (photos…

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