New Development Design Consultation Continues

Following its launch at the start of this year, Rushcliffe Borough Council (RBC) is continuing to prepare a new ‘Design Code’ to set out quality and standard rules for new developments. Now the authority is inviting residents, local interest groups, design professionals and developers to have our say on the next stage of the process. Since Ruddington’s precious green spaces have taken a significant hammering over the past few years – as a result of infill housing within our village, plus the ‘Rushcliffe Local Plan Part 2’ and its wider development consequences on…

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New Nursery Plans Approved

Unpopular proposals to create a new children’s nursery on Brookside Road in Ruddington have been given the go-ahead by Rushcliffe Borough Council (RBC). This is despite 17 objections (out of 18 comments) by consultees and members of the public to the original application for a ‘registered nursery’ {23/02205/FUL} followed by a further eleven objections to the application {23/02202/VAR} to allow extra onsite parking (for up to 14 cars) and longer weekday opening hours for the new business. When the site known as ‘Brookside House’ (pictured above in June 2021) was sold off…

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‘Have Your Say’ on New Development Design

Ruddington’s green spaces have seen significant shrinkage over the past few years as a result of infill housing within our village and, most recently, because of the ‘Rushcliffe Local Plan Part 2’. Not only was planning permission granted by Rushcliffe Borough Council (RBC) in 2020 for hundreds of new homes on four large areas of our village’s former Green Belt, developers are also continuing to benefit from ‘windfall’ land which wasn’t originally included but had its ‘protected’ status removed at the same time. So far this has allowed a significant…

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Residents Object to New Nursery Plans

Proposals to create a new children’s nursery on Brookside Road in Ruddington have proved unpopular with householders in the area. When the site known as ‘Brookside House’ (pictured above in June 2021) was sold off for redevelopment in 2022 by former owners Brookside Autoservices, other units there which were still occupied were also vacated. However, the commercial premises have since lain empty, facing an uncertain future. Most recently, plans to demolish all the existing buildings and build three houses and six apartments there were also shelved. This followed a negative response…

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Housebuilder’s Boost for Birdlife?

Ever since the the Rushcliffe Local Plan Part 2 was approved – giving developers the green light to build hundreds of new houses on large areas of Ruddington’s Green Belt – villagers have been complaining about the destruction of natural habitats and the loss of green space. Whilst undoubtedly this is true – and those four large new estates have consumed precious areas of agricultural land we’ll never get back – Gordon Dyne of Nottinghamshire Wildlife Trust (NWT) has learned about one positive outcome… As part of the planning application…

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MP & Councillors’ Open Letter to Bloor Homes

Frustrated residents next to the new Ruddington housing development off Wilford Road have received some high profile backing in their bid to proceed with the agreed tree planting there as part of ‘The Queen’s Green Canopy’ (QGC). MP for Rushcliffe Ruth Edwards and Ruddington’s three Rushcliffe Borough Councillors – Jen Walker, Mike Gaunt and Graham Fletcher – have all signed an Open Letter to the owner and Directors of Bloor Homes Ltd. It’s after the developer’s regional office suddenly reneged on its promise to allow room for a row of trees…

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Labour Landslide in Ruddington

Villagers went to the polls yesterday (4th May 2023), to elect Ruddington’s three representatives on Rushcliffe Borough Council, and the results are now in. With an impressive turnout of 43.1%, the three Labour Party candidates all secured many more votes than their Conservative & Green Party rivals, taking all three available seats. There were seven candidates standing for election in Ruddington Ward, who polled as follows: Name of Candidate Description (if any) Number of Votes* CAVEN-ATACK, Benjamin William commonly known as ATACK, Ben Local Conservatives 776 DICKMAN, Gary Dane Local Conservatives 821 FLETCHER, Graham…

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Ruddington’s Local Election Candidates

With just a fortnight left before we go to the polls on 4th May 2023, all the candidates standing for election here in Ruddington have now been revealed. Once again, villagers will not be asked to vote for any Ruddington Parish Councillors since, disappointingly, only 13 residents put themselves forward for the 16 available seats. These Councillors have already been ‘duly elected’ by the Returning Officer, without a contest. It’s hoped the vacant Parish Council seats – one in Flawford Ward and two in Manor Ward – can be filled by co-option…

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Historic Hedgerow Ripped Out “in Error”

The house-builder currently constructing 175 new properties on former Ruddington Green Belt south of Musters Road says a contractor removed a large section of mature hedgerow there by mistake. Gardeners from ‘Buttercup Allotments’ off Asher Lane were alerted to the totally unexpected loss of their boundary hedge when a contractor working for Avant Homes suddenly starting digging it out on Maundy Thursday. When the allotments’ owner Brian Booker rushed onsite to challenge them, protesting that removal of this hedgerow was definitely not in Rushcliffe Borough Council‘s approved plans for ‘Wilbur Chase’,…

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Local Elections Are Looming

With elections for new Ruddington Borough and Parish Councillors taking place on Thursday 4th May 2023, there are a few things villagers may need to do right now in preparation. Firstly, not only do residents need to make sure we are registered to vote, we will also need to have an accepted form of ‘photo ID’ ready to show if voting in person. It follows the UK Government introducing this requirement – which applies for the first time in England at these 4th May polls. Forms of acceptable photo ID, which…

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