New Hedgehog Highways Opened!

Unlike for Ruddington’s road traffic at the moment, progress for one of our nocturnal creatures has just been made a little easier thanks to some generous, nature-loving volunteers from a nearby village. It’s after teamed up with Wild Things Keyworth this summer to ‘Help Our Hedgehogs’  by creating a hedgehog gap in a deserving Ruddington garden – which would be fitted with an especially carved and decorated ‘Ruddington Hedgehog Highway’ surround, too. In the end, the group’s founder, Jennifer Manning-Ohren, agreed with carpenter Simon Dunstan, artist Liz Waddell and chief gap-driller Nick Ellerby they’d…

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Help Our Hedgehogs!

Ruddington wildlife lovers are being encouraged to take action to protect the red listed mammals – with ‘The State of Britain’s Hedgehogs 2022’ report suggesting numbers have declined by 75% in some parts of our country since the year 2000. The increased use of fencing between houses, rather than hedges, has been partly blamed. Besides established hedgerows providing a ‘home’ for the spiky creatures, hedgehogs can also travel up to a mile each night through people’s gardens if the activity of humans still makes this possible. They need around a dozen gardens…

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Historic Hedgerow Ripped Out “in Error”

The house-builder currently constructing 175 new properties on former Ruddington Green Belt south of Musters Road says a contractor removed a large section of mature hedgerow there by mistake. Gardeners from ‘Buttercup Allotments’ off Asher Lane were alerted to the totally unexpected loss of their boundary hedge when a contractor working for Avant Homes suddenly starting digging it out on Maundy Thursday. When the allotments’ owner Brian Booker rushed onsite to challenge them, protesting that removal of this hedgerow was definitely not in Rushcliffe Borough Council‘s approved plans for ‘Wilbur Chase’,…

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Asher Lane Construction Commences

Residents along the southern side of Musters Road and Western Fields have something new to watch from their back bedroom windows – the disappearance of the open views they have enjoyed ever since their homes were built. Thanks to the Coronavirus, these householders have actually had rather longer to continue enjoying their green fields and wildlife than the property developer intended – since its imminent groundworks and construction were abruptly halted by the ‘lockdown’ in March. However, to some residents’ chagrin, this was not before a sizeable section of mature hedgerow…

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Asher Lane Angst as Developer Moves In

Even before any actual construction work has begun at Ruddington’s new ‘Wilbur Chase’ development, the housing company who’ll be building it is being accused of breaching Rushcliffe Borough Council‘s planning conditions. Outline approval for 175 homes was controversially granted on appeal at the former Green Belt site north of Asher Lane just two years’ ago – despite significant local opposition including an initial planning refusal by the Borough Council.  Following the Government Planning Inspector’s nod, Avant Homes then won the tender from landowner Space Foods Limited to carry out the work. Its detailed…

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