Reprieve for Ruddington’s Remaining Green Belt?

A new document which has just been published (January 2023) seems to indicate that further large swathes of Ruddington’s surrounding countryside will not be required for more development within the next 15 years. As part of the ‘Greater Nottingham Strategic Plan: Preferred Approach Consultation’ being undertaken by the Greater Nottinghamshire Planning Partnership (GNPP), Rushcliffe Borough Council (RBC) has not allocated any further Ruddington Green Belt for housing or commercial use within ‘Appendix A: Preferred Sites (Rushcliffe Borough)’ between now and 2038. Instead, the authority’s section of the larger Nottinghamshire consultation focuses on other previously identified…

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Kempson Court to Close

One of Ruddington’s less well known retail areas is set to be demolished for housing – after the owner revealed the site has been running at a loss. It seems the Coronavirus outbreak finally sealed its fate! Eight separate businesses are currently being accommodated in the tucked away courtyard at the far end of Kempson Street – created almost ten years ago in an L-shaped block of units that were originally intended to be used as workshops. However, some of these have since been refurbished and let out as both…

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