An Invitation from the ‘Green Doctors’

Unless you’re fortunate enough to live in one of Ruddington’s recently built and therefore (by law) much more energy-efficient houses, the chances are your home is probably losing rather a lot of precious heat at this time of year. Not only do older and more traditional properties generally use more energy, resulting in higher fuel bills, it means they also have a greater impact on our planet. This is at a time when many villagers are increasingly concerned about the effects of ‘Climate Change’. Thankfully, help is at hand for Ruddington…

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Reprieve for Ruddington’s Remaining Green Belt?

A new document which has just been published (January 2023) seems to indicate that further large swathes of Ruddington’s surrounding countryside will not be required for more development within the next 15 years. As part of the ‘Greater Nottingham Strategic Plan: Preferred Approach Consultation’ being undertaken by the Greater Nottinghamshire Planning Partnership (GNPP), Rushcliffe Borough Council (RBC) has not allocated any further Ruddington Green Belt for housing or commercial use within ‘Appendix A: Preferred Sites (Rushcliffe Borough)’ between now and 2038. Instead, the authority’s section of the larger Nottinghamshire consultation focuses on other previously identified…

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Former Pharmacy’s New Tenant

Mystery has surrounded who will be moving in to Ruddington’s former chemists’ shop since refurbishment work there began a few weeks ago. The historic High Street premises have been empty and up To Let since Evans Pharmacy relocated to Charles Street in May this year – and rumours have been rife as to what they might become next. This speculation has been fuelled by the workmen saying it’s “top secret” and being asked not to say! However, the stories going around that it is to become a pizza restaurant or…

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Ruddington’s Day with The Planning Inspector

December 4th 2018 could go down as the historic date which determined exactly how many hectares of our village Green Belt would be sacrificed for housing development over the following decade. After many years of consultation and confrontation, it’s the meeting that will determine whether the three Ruddington sites earmarked for new homes under Rushcliffe Borough Council’s Local Plan Part 2 {shown in BLUE above} are rubber-stamped – or otherwise – by the Government’s Planning Inspectorate. You can read the background to this long running saga elsewhere on the website –…

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Local Development Plan Published

The final consultation phase before rescinding substantial areas of Ruddington’s Green Belt for new housing development began today at 5pm with the publication of the Draft Rushcliffe Local Development Plan Part 2. This was approved at Rushcliffe Borough Council’s Full Council meeting on April 26th. At that meeting, all but ONE Councillor in the Chamber voted to go ahead with the publication of the Plan as drafted – with all three of Ruddington’s Borough Councillors approving the three final shortlisted sites on Ruddington’s Green Belt to build a total of around 350 homes. This was…

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Housing on Ruddington’s Green Belt Moves Closer

Rushcliffe Borough Council’s “Local Plan” reaches a very important stage this Thursday, with a decision on whether it will move to the final “consultation” phase. The publication draft of the Local Plan Part 2 is due to be discussed at their Full Council meeting on April 26th. The most significant aspect of this plan for Ruddington residents is that it would recommend getting rid of three long-designated Green Belt areas on the edge of our village to accommodate up to 350 new houses. The three sites chosen to be rescinded, following…

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