Ruddington Parish Council July Meeting

It’s your monthly opportunity to find out what’s happening and have your say on what’s planned in our village. Tonight’s meeting will start at 7.30pm and is being held in St Peter’s Rooms. Ruddington Parish Council (RPC) meetings are open to all, and time is allocated for residents to share views on agenda items. Items under discussion this evening include: To decide whether to apply for planning permission to build a multi-use sports hall on Jubilee Fields on behalf of Ruddington Cricket Club. To decide whether to agree to a ‘match…

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Ruddington Parish Council May Meeting

It’s your monthly opportunity to find out what’s happening and have your say on what’s planned in our village. The meeting will start at 7.30pm and is being held in St Peter’s Rooms. Ruddington Parish Council (RPC) meetings are open to all, and time is allocated for residents to share views on agenda items. Tonight will see the election of the new Chair for the next 12 months, along with the Vice-Chair and Chairs of the Amenities and Environment & Policy Committees. Additionally the appointment of Councillors to represent RPC in…

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Ruddington Parish Council Meeting

It’s your monthly opportunity to find out what’s happening and have your say on what’s planned in our village. The meeting will start at 7.30pm and is being held in St Peter’s Rooms. Ruddington Parish Council (RPC) meetings are open to all, and time is allocated for residents to share views on agenda items. Items under discussion tonight include: To discuss and respond to the proposed new parking restrictions on Elms Park, Kirk Lane and Easthorpe Street. To decide whether to allow RVCP to apply for a Premises Licence for The…

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U3A March Meeting & Journalist Speaker

The guest speaker at this month’s meeting of Ruddington and District U3A is Andy Smart.  Join the retired local newspaper journalist and radio broadcaster as he shares stories about his career from The Nottingham Post to Radio Trent at the monthly Monday meetings, run by our local U3A – University of the Third Age. The group is for “retired and semi-retired people to make new friends, keep active and learn together. Of course it’s not a university in the usual sense. It’s a university of life” says the Ruddington and District U3A. The Ruddington &…

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Card Making & Craft Group

This Ruddington group is open to all and no expertise is required! Ruddington Card Making & Craft Group meet from 10am to 12-noon at St Peter’s Rooms, on the first & third Mondays of the month – except not in the month of August. For £3.50 there’ll be tuition, you’ll get most materials and refreshments are provided, too at each meeting. Pop along on Monday morning if you want to find out more about the group. Disclaimer: publish all diary events in good faith and can’t be held responsible for any…

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U3A Monthly Meeting

Monday’s monthly meeting is run by our local U3A – University of the Third Age. It’s for “retired and semi-retired people to make new friends, keep active and learn together. Of course it’s not a university in the usual sense. It’s a university of life” says the Ruddington and District U3A. Membership for a full year is £20, and you can either join at the meeting, and chat to members, or find out more from the website. The Ruddington & District Branch was formed in 2018. The more members there are the…

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Ruddington Parish Council Meeting

It’s your monthly opportunity to find out what’s happening and have your say on what’s planned in our village. The meeting will start at 7.30pm and is being held in St Peter’s Rooms. Ruddington Parish Council (RPC) meetings are open to all, and time is allocated for residents to share views on agenda items. Items under discussion tonight include: Whether or not to support the planning application for a new children’s nursery at ‘Brookside House’ on Brookside Road; and the erection of a new multi-storey office block at ‘Britannia House’ on…

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U3A February Speaker – ‘The Merseybeats’

The guest speaker at this month’s meeting of Ruddington and District U3A is singer and guitarist Trevor Leeson. On Monday 19th February 2024 his talk will be on ‘The Merseybeats’ – one of the famous sixties groups of which he was a member. However,  Trevor actually started in the music business in 1958, thanks to Lonnie Donegan, before also working with other huge stars such as Ken Dodd, Little Richard and the Electric Light Orchestra, so he’ll have plenty of stories to tell. This is certainly a talk not to be…

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Ruddington Gardeners’ Association AGM

Ruddington Gardeners’ Association is open to everyone, whatever your age! RGA hold events, trips and meetings with speakers throughout the year. RGA meet on the last Wednesday of the month. The group says “The RGA is open to everyone in Ruddington and beyond, of all ages and abilities; armchair gardeners, patio and window box planters, to those more ‘green fingered’ and allotment holders.” RGA’s Annual General meeting, followed by Wine & Cheese, starts at 7.30pm on Wednesday 28th February in The Hermitage. Membership is £5 a year and £2 at…

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Ruddington Gardeners’ Association

Ruddington Gardeners’ Association is open to everyone, whatever your age! RGA hold events, trips and meetings with speakers throughout the year. Members meet on the last Wednesday of each month in the village. The group says “The RGA is open to everyone in Ruddington and beyond, of all ages and abilities; armchair gardeners, patio and window box planters, to those more ‘green fingered’ and allotment holders.” This month, the Talk will be “A Peep at my Plot” with members’ photographs and slides on Wednesday 31st January at 7.30pm in The Hermitage. Membership is £5…

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