Planting Plots and Pumpkin Patch Plans for Ruddington

Just over two years’ ago, residents of the Ruddington Grange area discovered (with some dismay) that plans had been submitted to Rushcliffe Borough Council (RBC) to create an archery range in the field adjacent to their properties. More alarmingly still, this was reportedly to be followed by a planning application for the proposed change of use of all of this remaining ‘green belt’ land on the eastern side of Wilford Road away from agriculture to sports and recreation. Following numerous local objections, this particular scheme was eventually shelved. However, concerns were raised again…

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And THIS Year’s ‘Green-Fingered’ Winners are…

Another keen, Ruddington allotment holder is celebrating being awarded both a trophy and year of ‘free’ gardening after scooping first prize in a friendly, annual contest. This time Julia Adams (pictured above with judges, John Hawson and Ange Goodman) has won ‘The Best Allotment on Hareham Gardens’ for 2023 from the James Peacock Bread Charity. It not only owns all the allotments bordered by Asher Lane and Musters Road, but also regularly makes donations of money and produce to Ruddington residents in need. Julia follows in the footsteps of last year’s winners Sue Hallam…

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Ruddy Bear’s Uganda Update!

It’s been a busy few months for The Mustard Seed Project, Uganda – the Ruddington based charity which was founded in 2017 by village schoolteachers Jayne Henson and Sally Squires after they visited rural Uganda to work with teachers on active learning activities. In our last update we reported how ‘Ruddy Bear’ was due to set off again on his travels last October – this time to Uganda with Sally {pictured top right} along with some of his bear friends who had been sponsored by villagers to give to Ugandan children – one…

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Seeds and Strolling for Uganda

It’s now three years since we first found out that Ruddington’s last remaining public telephone box would be decommissioned – when BT Payphones announced its lack of use made it no longer viable to keep it in service. The Grade II listed, traditional, red, cast iron kiosk in front of the War Memorial on Church Street {pictured top left} is a Type K6 designed in 1935 by Sir Giles Gilbert Scott. Because it’s an important heritage landmark, within our village Conservation Area, ideas were invited to put it to an alternative use through…

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Finding the Plot!

Two keen Ruddington allotment holders are celebrating being awarded both a trophy and year of ‘free’ gardening after scooping first prize in a friendly, annual contest. Sue Hallam and her partner Peter (pictured above) have won ‘The Best Allotment on Hareham Gardens’ for 2022 from the James Peacock Bread Charity. It not only owns all the allotments bordered by Asher Lane and Musters Road, but also regularly makes donations of money and produce to Ruddington residents in need. The horticultural couple follow in the footsteps of last year’s winner Susie Moore…

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Top Prize for ‘Little Pink Shed’

A Ruddington allotment holder has been rewarded for all her hard work – not only with the fruit, vegetables and flowers she’s grown, but also with a special trophy. Susie Moore has received the award for Hareham Gardens Best Allotment 2021, and is pictured (above) receiving it from Robin Crinage – the Chairman of the Board of Trustees at The James Peacock Bread Charity. Susie was given the special prize for bringing a previously neglected plot, within the allotments at the corner of Musters Road and Asher Lane, up to a…

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