Register Now to Vote in May

Villagers will be heading to the polls again, on Thursday 2nd May 2024, to take part in the ‘Combined County Mayoral Authority’ and ‘Police and Crime Commissioner’ elections. It’s Ruddington’s chance to help choose the first-ever elected East Midlands Mayor; after local councils gave the green light to devolution for a £1.14billion devolution deal for our region. We’ll also be able to vote for who should be the next Nottinghamshire Police and Crime Commissioner; who’s responsible for policing across the county and delivering an effective and efficient police service. In order…

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Have Your Say on Ruddington’s Polling Stations

Rushcliffe Borough Council is asking residents for their views on its polling districts and polling places when we vote in local, regional and national elections. A consultation period has begun, inviting comments on where polling stations are located and the ease of accessing them for those with a disability. For Ruddington, this currently means either our Village Hall on Wilford Road (pictured top) or St Peter’s Rooms on Church Street (pictured bottom), depending upon where we live. Hundreds of new-build houses in Ruddington are increasing the number of eligible voters on our…

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Ruddington Says “YES”!

Volunteers from the Ruddington Neighbourhood Plan (RNP) team say they’re delighted that residents have overwhelmingly backed their vision for our village in yesterday’s big referendum (Thursday 22nd July 2021). Once counting was completed after the polls closed at 10pm, it was revealed that 1,068 votes were cast, out of which an overwhelming 91.2% of villagers had voted in favour of the Plan with just 8.5% against. There were 3 ‘spoilt’ ballot papers. This ringing endorsement means that the policies on the development and use of land in our village that the RNP contains…

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Leake & Ruddington Stays Blue

Conservatives have taken both Nottinghamshire County Council seats for Leake & Ruddington in Thursday’s local elections. The Tory candidate has also been voted in as Nottinghamshire’s new Police & Crime Commissioner*. Reg Adair retained his long held Council seat for the Conservative Party in the 6th May poll, with his new running mate Matt Barney becoming a County Councillor for the first time following the retirement of former Conservative Councillor Andrew Brown. Before the election, 44 year-old Matt, who lives in Sutton Bonington, said: “I am truly honoured to have the opportunity to stand for my…

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Our Local Election Candidates

Whilst some Ruddington residents have already cast their votes by post for this Thursday’s elections, others may still be undecided about who would best represent our village on Nottinghamshire County Council. If you’re among the latter, please read on… For Leake & Ruddington there are seven candidates on the ballot paper for May 6th 2021 representing five political parties – two each for the Conservatives, Liberal Democrats, and Labour & Co-operative, and one for The Green Party. We should vote for up to two of these candidates. For the Conservative Party: Standing again is Reg Adair,…

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Have You Registered to Vote?

New Ruddington residents are being reminded to register to vote – to ensure your voice is heard – ahead of the upcoming Police and Crime Commissioner and County Council elections taking place here next month. Although the poll isn’t until Thursday May 6th, the deadline is fast approaching if you’re not already on the electoral register at your current address. You’ll need to register to vote here by midnight on Monday April 19th. This year, village residents will go to the polls to vote in two different elections and will select: Nottinghamshire…

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Ruth Wins Rushcliffe

As Conservatives across the country celebrate their party’s landslide victory in the 2019 General Election, there was no surprise for Ruddington – with the Tories easily retaining a seat they’ve held here for the past 49 years. It was in 1970 that The Rt Hon Kenneth Clark {pictured above with Ruth} won back the Rushcliffe Constituency from Labour’s Antony Gardner – with Mr Clarke serving as our MP ever since. After deciding to step down for this election, his replacement was Welsh cyber-security expert Ruth Edwards – who will now become our local…

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Have Your Say in Europe – and Ruddington!

Ruddingtonians are heading to the polls again this Thursday (23rd May 2019) for the second set of elections in just three weeks. This time around, of course, it’s to elect our representatives for the European Parliament – a vote that has had to be organised rather hastily within the last couple of months, after the UK failed to leave the European Union as planned. For the East Midlands region we have the chance to vote for one of eight different political parties – each fielding five candidates – or for…

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Ruddington Swings To Labour

In an election outcome which may surprise many Ruddingtonians, Labour has stolen two out of the three available seats on Rushcliffe Borough Council from the Conservatives. The results from yesterday’s poll mean that Labour candidates Jen Walker and Mike Gaunt (pictured above left and centre) are duly elected to the Council for the first time – with third placed Gary Dickman (pictured right) securing the remaining seat for the Conservatives. Former Tory Councillor Martin Buckle was therefore not re-elected. The three Green Party candidates received fewer votes in total than the others,…

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It’s Time to Vote!

Don’t forget, Local Government Elections are taking place in Ruddington this Thursday – with our two village Polling Stations at St Peter’s Rooms and The Village Hall open between 7am and 10pm. For newcomers to our village, the one you’ll need to use depends upon where you live – and is printed with a location map on your Poll Card. Ruddingtonians are only required to cast votes for up to three new Rushcliffe Borough Councillors this time. This is because there were more seats than candidates for Ruddington Parish Council, so that’s uncontested, and the next Nottinghamshire…

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