Ruddington Turns Red!

As the Labour Party celebrates a resounding victory in the General Election, one of its biggest wins is here in Rushcliffe – which has been a Conservative stronghold since Kenneth Clarke won back the seat for the Tories in 1970. A turnout of 73.22% yesterday (4th July 2024), saw queues forming outside Ruddington’s two polling stations at the Village Hall and St Peter’s Rooms.  Ballot boxes from here and elsewhere in the constituency were rushed to Rushcliffe Arena, once the polling stations closed at 10pm, for the counting to get underway. At…

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Ruddington Says “YES”!

Volunteers from the Ruddington Neighbourhood Plan (RNP) team say they’re delighted that residents have overwhelmingly backed their vision for our village in yesterday’s big referendum (Thursday 22nd July 2021). Once counting was completed after the polls closed at 10pm, it was revealed that 1,068 votes were cast, out of which an overwhelming 91.2% of villagers had voted in favour of the Plan with just 8.5% against. There were 3 ‘spoilt’ ballot papers. This ringing endorsement means that the policies on the development and use of land in our village that the RNP contains…

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Leake & Ruddington Stays Blue

Conservatives have taken both Nottinghamshire County Council seats for Leake & Ruddington in Thursday’s local elections. The Tory candidate has also been voted in as Nottinghamshire’s new Police & Crime Commissioner*. Reg Adair retained his long held Council seat for the Conservative Party in the 6th May poll, with his new running mate Matt Barney becoming a County Councillor for the first time following the retirement of former Conservative Councillor Andrew Brown. Before the election, 44 year-old Matt, who lives in Sutton Bonington, said: “I am truly honoured to have the opportunity to stand for my…

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One Way? No Way!

Plans drawn up by Via East Midlands to implement a temporary one-way system in Ruddington village centre, with the aim of improving traffic flow and providing extra parking, have been rejected by Nottinghamshire County Council (NCC). It follows the short public consultation, on which we reported last month, to find out the views of residents and traders on introducing such traffic measures to help with COVID-19 safeguarding. Both Rushcliffe Borough Council (RBC) and Ruddington Parish Council (RPC) asked for these measures to be given due consideration as a way of mitigating the effects…

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Ruddington Swings To Labour

In an election outcome which may surprise many Ruddingtonians, Labour has stolen two out of the three available seats on Rushcliffe Borough Council from the Conservatives. The results from yesterday’s poll mean that Labour candidates Jen Walker and Mike Gaunt (pictured above left and centre) are duly elected to the Council for the first time – with third placed Gary Dickman (pictured right) securing the remaining seat for the Conservatives. Former Tory Councillor Martin Buckle was therefore not re-elected. The three Green Party candidates received fewer votes in total than the others,…

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Ken Returned in Rushcliffe

There was no surprise for Ruddington voters in Thursday’s General Election when Conservative heavyweight Kenneth Clarke easily retained his Rushcliffe seat – and so remains our representative at Westminster. He secured over half the vote – with a similar share to the 2015 General Election. This had always seemed a foregone conclusion once the former cabinet minister and now “Father of the House” announced that he would be standing as our MP again – after holding this safe Tory seat for the last 47 years. In fact, Rushcliffe has been mostly a Conservative stronghold since 1950. (Labour regained it…

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