Ruddington’s March Market

After around two thousand people flocked to the inaugural Ruddington Village Market at The White Horse Inn a month ago, organisers are keeping their fingers crossed that this Saturday’s follow-up will be just as popular. Last time, many visitors continued their “Ruddy Good Day Out” with a stroll down Church Street and High Street to visit our shops and cafés, too. This is exactly what the ‘market’ team from Ruddington Village Centre Partnership (RVCP) had hoped would happen when they joined forces with Andy Hunt at the popular village pub to trial this initiative – aiming to…

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Plans For Former Thomas’s Revealed!

Eagle-eyed shoppers on High Street may have spotted a notice that’s appeared in the window at Ruddington’s historic greengrocers’ premises – the sudden and unexpected closure of which caused such shock and dismay in our village almost a year ago. The blue sign at Glyn Thomas‘s old shop – bought and refurbished last year by the Patel family of Ruddington Post Office next door – reveals an application to Rushcliffe Borough Council “for the Grant of a new Premises Licence to include the provision of sale of alcohol for consumption…

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Brace Yourself For More Delays and Disruption!

Drivers are being warned to expect major disruption for up to three days – as works take place in Ruddington village centre. Residents, business-people, commuters and visitors will all be affected – as road closures, temporary traffic lights and parking restrictions are introduced. Carriageway resurfacing by Via East Midlands is taking place on behalf of Nottinghamshire County Council on Charles Street and Parkyns Street. This means both these roads will be closed, with no parking allowed, along their entire length (in red on the map below) between 7.00am and 5.00pm each day from Monday…

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‘Ruddington Rhythm’ Launches!

Our village’s regular, acoustic music night now has a new name. The monthly gathering at The Cottage Hotel will be known as ‘Ruddington Rhythm’ in the future – rather than ‘Ruddington Folk & Blues’. Organiser Ron McSweeney explains: “I have been considering a change of name for several months. I realised that some people were ‘put off’ attending as audience members by ‘Folk & Blues’ conveying a narrow area of music. We always had a wide range of styles and genres so the name now reflects the diverse music that is performed.” Singer…

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High Speed Police Chase Through Ruddington

A police helicopter was deployed in the skies of Ruddington yesterday evening – to assist officers tracking a vehicle being driven at break-neck speed through our village. Residents became aware of the ongoing incident when police sirens were sounded to alert other road users as they pursued the speeding driver. Vicky Marshall reported: “I had a near miss with the car at the roundabout in Ruddington. Two police cars came chasing the car!” Carla O’Brien added: “They literally went down Kirk Lane at about 80mph.” In a statement to, Nottinghamshire Police confirmed: “Officers…

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New Double Yellow Lines for Business Park

Parking will be prohibited along at least one side of the road right around Ruddington’s Business Park if plans by Nottinghamshire County Council (NCC) get the go-ahead. Extensive, new Double Yellow Lines for Mere Way (main photo) and The Avenue are being proposed after numerous requests to NCC to address issues with obstructive parking there. The Council says ‘No Waiting At Any Time’ restrictions should improve access along the route – especially for larger vehicles including NCT’s Green 10C/10X buses. Additionally, it is proposing further Double Yellow Lines along parts of Camelot…

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Ruddington’s Free Buses To Go

It’s been revealed that two popular bus routes, which provide an hourly daytime service via Ruddington, are facing the axe under the latest Nottingham City Council (NCC) spending cuts. Currently the Council funds our Monday to Saturday Locallink L22 and L23 services – which are FREE for everyone. They run on a circular route in opposite directions through Ruddington, serving Clifton, Silverdale, Wilford Lane, West Bridgford Town Centre, Gamston and Lady Bay. In a statement, NCC reveals: “Austerity isn’t over for Nottingham, with Government cuts seeing the City Council’s main…

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Ruddington’s Traditional Sweet Shop

Have YOU discovered Sweetie Boutique yet? It’s a brand new, yet slightly retro, Ruddington business owned and run by village resident Sue Kosciekowski {pictured} who began trading at the front of Julia’s Kitchen on High Street at the start of December. Since then, her shop’s been attracting a lot of attention and praise from shoppers old and young! By opening this unique outlet, Sue has fulfilled her dream of running a traditional sweet shop in our village – and sells around 350 different types of pick ‘n’ mix varieties, sourced from dozens of manufacturers around the…

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Parkyns Street Closure

Ruddington residents, traders and shoppers who normally enjoy parking on Parkyns Street may find they’re unable to do so for the next three days. That’s because work by Severn Trent Water to install a new connection is set to close the road between its junctions with Church Street and High Street from 8.00am on Wednesday February 13th until 5.00pm on Friday February 15th. During this time, all traffic will be diverted via High Street, The Green and Church Street – and vice versa. This closure is taking place at the same time as…

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Landowner Appeals for Musters Road Access

A Ruddington Green Belt site already given outline planning approval for 175 new homes is now the subject of a second appeal by the landowner – this time over the decision by Rushcliffe Borough Council (RBC) to refuse it an alternative access route. The last time Space Foods Ltd appealed to the Government’s Planning Inspectorate – when RBC rejected plans for 175 homes on this land off Asher Lane – its appeal was successful! This was to the dismay of local residents, Ruddington Action Group (RAG) and Ruddington Parish Council – who’d fought long and hard to prevent a…

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