Ruddington Museum Becomes New Travellers’ Choice

The Framework Knitters’ Museum on Chapel Street has just gained an international accolade – a TripAdvisor ‘Travelers’ Choice Award’ for 2023! Each year the travel comparison website recognises favourite attractions around the world, based on reviews and ratings collected over the past year. These TripAdvisor reviews have elevated our museum into the top 10% of visitor attractions worldwide. The preserved Ruddington heritage site one of very few places left in the country where you’ll find the working and living conditions of the once large framework knitting industry. Sarah Godfrey, creative and…

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Happy Anniversary at Parker’s Yard! 

It’s now twelve months since Ruddington’s The Split Screen Coffee Company began operating the café based within Ruddington’s Framework Knitters’ Museum (FKM) – and its owners are pleased to report their business is going from strength to strength. The independent coffee roasting company was founded in 2015 by village resident and former teacher Jennifer Walker. She sums up her entreprenaurial experience as a massive learning curve – having left the teaching profession to gain a better work-life balance and spend more time with her family. The Split Screen Coffee Company began eight years’ ago as…

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International Women’s Day Award for Helen

Ruddington’s Framework Knitters’ Museum is celebrating its long-standing textile artist and technical demonstrator, Helen Brownett, by presenting her with an achievement award for International Women’s Day, which is TODAY (Wednesday 8th March 2023). The accolade is in recognition of Helen’s 28 years of service here, inspiring thousands of visitors and encouraging many to become interested in knitting on the museum’s hand powered ‘Griswold’ machines. Helen is best known for her elaborate ‘office’; which is filled with hundreds of yarns of wool, creating a unique and vibrant workspace! Museum manager Sarah Godfrey…

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Ruddington Christmas Light Trail Returns

Villagers certainly seemed to have pulled out all the stops this year to get into the festive spirit – with properties throughout Ruddington adorned with colourful lights and decorations ready to guide in Santa and his reindeer on the big day. Their efforts are being applauded by The Friends of James Peacock Junior School who’ve created a brand new ‘Christmas Light Trail’ running between now and 4th January 2023. One of the organisers, Nathalie Mortimer, says: “Further to the success of our Christmas lights trail two years’ ago, it’s back with a sparkle! Local…

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Cosy Traditional Christmas and See Santa!

Entrance for this festive day will be FREE at the Framework Knitters’ Museum and Parker’s Yard from 12-noon until 6pm on Saturday 17th December. This year’s ‘Cosy Traditional Christmas’ attractions are roasted chestnuts, Victorian mince pie making, a Christmas choir with a mini orchestra, Father Christmas and festive treats from The Split Screen Coffee Company. There’ll also be a ‘Tombola of crafted dreams’ and the organisers say “we are accepting any handmade items. We have had an incredible response already, Ruddington is obviously a craft Mecca!” There’ll be no pre-booking to see Santa, just turn…

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Parker’s Yard Café Plans

The Parker’s Yard Café at our Framework Knitters’ Museum (FKM) has submitted an application to Rushcliffe Borough Council for an alcohol licence on its premises. Run by Ruddington residents Jennifer Walker and Mike Gaunt, their coffee shop was launched in July (2022) within the recent museum extension and gardens – formerly ‘Gunn Cottage’. Along with the FKM’s gift shop and its Old Chapel, this hospitality area of our internationally famous tourist attraction is a place villagers and visitors can access without having to pay the museum entrance fee. The couple started The Split Screen Coffee…

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£8k Funding for Improved Museum Shop

Staff and volunteers at Ruddington’s historic Framework Knitters’ Museum are celebrating the award of new cash to upgrade their newly established café and shop. ‘Parker’s Yard’ was added late last year when the museum site expanded into the former ‘Gun Cottage’ – between the original workers’ cottages and frameshops and the old Knitters’ Chapel. This allowed a brand new visitor entrance, hospitality and retail area – including a separate new garden. It was achieved via grants totalling hundreds of thousands of pounds from The Heritage Lottery Fund, FCC Communities Foundation, various…

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Seeds and Strolling for Uganda

It’s now three years since we first found out that Ruddington’s last remaining public telephone box would be decommissioned – when BT Payphones announced its lack of use made it no longer viable to keep it in service. The Grade II listed, traditional, red, cast iron kiosk in front of the War Memorial on Church Street {pictured top left} is a Type K6 designed in 1935 by Sir Giles Gilbert Scott. Because it’s an important heritage landmark, within our village Conservation Area, ideas were invited to put it to an alternative use through…

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New Ruddington Café Launches

The recently opened coffee shop within the new extension and gardens at Ruddington’s knitting and textile museum is now officially in new hands – following its ‘launch’ this weekend. The Split Screen Coffee Company – which has previously traded from The Bottle Top on High Street as well as from its famous converted VW camper van – is now running the hospitality area at Parker’s Yard within the former ‘Gunn Cottage’. Along with the museum gift shop and its Old Chapel, these are areas of Ruddington’s internationally famous tourist attraction which can…

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New Museum Manager Announced

Following the stepping back of former manager and curator Jim Grevatte, Ruddington’s Framework Knitters’ Museum has just revealed its latest boss. After completing “a competitive recruitment process” for their new ‘Operations Manager’ role, the venues’ Trustees say they are “delighted” to announce that Ruddington resident Sarah Godfrey has been appointed. Sarah is already well known for her extensive community work within our village. The Trustees add: “With a strong arts background, Sarah brings us an unusual combination of both creativity and commercial awareness, as well as a wealth of experience…

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