First Ruddington Green Belt Housing Approved

Linden Homes has become the first property developer to be granted full planning permission to build a new housing estate on Ruddington’s Green Belt by Rushcliffe Borough Council (RBC) – as part of its recently approved Local Plan Part 2. This is despite the number of homes in the application being 12% more than were allocated by The Plan and local protests that the increased number of dwellings would mean the removal of dozens of mature trees on the Flawforth Lane site which border existing properties on Flawforth Avenue. At last night’s…

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Roadworks on High Street and Ashworth Avenue

Ruddington’s motorists are being warned to brace themselves for more autumn disruption as our raft of recent village roadworks continues over the next couple of weeks. From 6am this Saturday 26th October until 8pm Sunday 27th October, work by Western Power Distribution on High Street means double yellow lines and parking places between its junctions with Charles Street and Church Street will be unavailable. Temporary “No Waiting and No Loading at Any Time” restrictions will be in force whilst manually controlled two-way traffic signals are liable to cause delays for both motorists and Nottingham City…

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Councillors Vote to Rescind Ruddington’s Green Belt

It’s just over a week since we revealed that FOUR Green Belt areas around the edge of our village had been given the Government Planning Inspector’s blessing to be sacrificed for at least 525 new houses. In his report, Senior Inspector Philip Lewis BA (Hons) MA MRTPI concluded that Rushcliffe’s Local Plan Part 2, as submitted for examination, was “legally compliant and sound, subject to a number of modifications” he has recommended. None of these recommendations involved removing any houses from Ruddington’s quota! At the Rushcliffe Borough Council (RBC) ‘Extraordinary Meeting’ called last night (Tuesday…

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Green Light For 525 Green Belt Houses

It’s just been officially confirmed that dozens of acres of Ruddington’s precious Green Belt, at four locations on the edge of our village, have been given the government’s blessing to be sacrificed for new housing development. It’s after Rushcliffe’s ‘Local Plan Part 2: Land and Planning Policies’, as submitted for examination, was declared “legally compliant and sound” by the HM Government Planning Inspector – albeit subject to a number of minor modifications which he has recommended. The long awaited verdict means that the Green Belt sites chosen by Rushcliffe Borough Council (RBC) here and elsewhere…

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Another 180 Homes Approved on Ruddington Green Belt

Outline planning permission for William Davis Homes to build a major new housing estate on ‘Land East Of Loughborough Road’ in Ruddington was given the ‘green light’ by Rushcliffe Borough Council (RBC) planners last night. This site, off the Mere Way Roundabout, is one of the four Green Belt development areas surrounding our village earmarked in RBC’s Local Plan Part 2 (originally known as RUD13 now as Policy 6.3). (You can read further details about this application >>HERE<<.) RBC’s plan allocates 170 new homes to fulfil its quota on this land – but…

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Ruddington “Under Attack” Say Housing Protest Groups

Three Ruddington campaign groups have joined forces in a last minute bid to halt the sudden and sharp increase in proposed house-building in our village. Protect Ruddington (PR), Ruddington Community Association (RCA) and Ruddington Action Group (RAG) hope to quickly gain further support from as many of the seven and a half thousand village residents as possible to protest at the latest large scale development plans. This includes a final call to Ruddingtonians to object about two major Green Belt housing applications, for which the Rushcliffe Borough Council (RBC) public consultations are…

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Another Green Belt Consultation!

When the Rushcliffe Local Plan Part 1: Core Strategy was adopted back in December 2014 things didn’t look too bad for Ruddington. Identified infill sites for new homes here, along with some available “brownfield” areas, meant that our village would be required to accommodate just 250 further homes on its precious Green Belt. Over the following four and a half years, however, that outlook was set to change significantly. (You can read the details of this long running saga elsewhere on the website.) To summarise, a number of consultations…

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Application For Another 180 Houses Submitted

Following its ‘public consultation’ in January, William Davis Homes has now put in for outline planning permission to build 180 houses on ‘Land East Of Loughborough Road’ in Ruddington. This site, off the Mere Way Roundabout, is one of the Green Belt development areas earmarked in Rushcliffe Borough Council’s Local Plan Part 2 which was formerly known as RUD13. RBC’s plan allocates 170 new homes to fulfil its quota on this land, which is ten less than these proposals are suggesting. Some may also think the William Davis application is a little premature – since the…

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More Temporary Traffic Lights This Week

Few weeks seem to pass by these days without at least one set of roadworks potentially causing delays to traffic in and around Ruddington – and there are THREE sets of work to be aware of from this Monday. Villagers down Asher Lane are likely to be disrupted by Severn Trent Water pipe renewal from Monday 4th to Thursday 7th March at its junction with Musters Road {see top image courtesy of}. This will require three-way, 24 hour temporary traffic lights – meaning Musters Road residents may wish to…

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Further Green Belt Housing Plans Revealed

William Davis Homes is the latest property developer to show its hand in Ruddington by publishing proposals for around 180 new homes it wants to build on “land off Mere Way”. This is one of the Green Belt sites earmarked in Rushcliffe Borough Council’s Local Plan Part 2 – outlined in red above – which was formerly known as RUD13. RBC’s plan suggests 170 houses to fulfil its quota on this land – slightly less than these new proposals are showing. Leaflets, containing a ‘freepost’ comments form, have been dropping through…

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