Gas Works Cause Chaos!

As if the ongoing work at the Loughborough Road/Kirk Lane/Flawforth Lane junction isn’t enough, motorists trying to navigate through Ruddington today had even more delays to contend with. After starting on February 22nd, the gas maintenance work by Cadent at ‘Tavern Island’ – the mini-roundabout where Clifton Road meets Wilford Road – expanded unexpectedly from the grass verge into the carriageway.  Three-way temporary traffic lights were put into use, which caused long, peak-time queues (above). This work (below) is expected to continue tomorrow (Wednesday 28th February) so it’s likely there’s…

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Ruddington’s ‘Heat ‘n’ Eat’ to Get Bigger in 2023

It’s been confirmed a Ruddington community venture which started over the summer, offering a chef-prepared, two-course lunch for just £1, will continue into next year – and also increase the number of diners it can accommodate. The twice monthly ‘Heat ‘n’ Eat’ meals, comprising good quality and wholesome, hot food, began at the end of June 2022. They are served-up in the peaceful and welcoming surroundings of St Peter’s Church. As the bitter winter weather bites, the venue has also become one of the ‘Warm Spaces’ in Ruddington where villagers struggling to heat…

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Dutton’s Hill Closure Extended!

Motorists, bus users and business owners in Ruddington have expressed dismay on learning that the recent traffic disruption in our village centre will continue for even longer – with emergency gas main work on Wilford Road STILL unfinished. Originally it was planned that two-way traffic signals would suffice whilst Cadent carried out repairs to a fractured gas main under Dutton’s Hill. However, last Wednesday (17th Nov) the busy route was suddenly shut without notice on safety grounds when it was discovered the gas leak was worse than anticipated. That closure was finally due…

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