FREE Introduction to Mindfulness Session

This is a FREE taster session for an eight week Ruddington based course beginning on February 5th at the same venue. The 8 weekly sessions will be orientated towards improving overall health and well-being for adults. The course is aimed at:- Anyone with an interest in exploring meditation and wanting to gain an awareness of the patterns of their own mind Anyone who is curious about how we can use mindfulness and meditation skills within daily life to manage stress, anxiety or mood Anyone who wishes to cultivate skills towards…

Calm January – Mindfulness in Ruddington

After the madness of the festive period, it’s quite likely you’ll want to de-stress a little. Maybe you’ll even need a bit of help re-focusing your life into 2020? Ruddington mindfulness teacher Jakki Pritchard is now well established with her Tuesday evenings in the Old Chapel at the Framework Knitters’ Museum – where she’s already run five mindfulness courses. There’s now a sixth programme there, early in the New Year, which will be her seventh in our village. Jakki says: “The Old Chapel is a perfect space to practice mindfulness, it has…

Experience Mindfulness in Ruddington

You’ve no doubt heard about ‘mindfulness’ but how about trying the experience? Well you have the chance, as local mindfulness teacher Jakki Pritchard is running another FREE ‘taster session’ in Ruddington at The Framework Knitters’ Museum. This will be followed by an eight week course in the village. Jakki told “The 8-week MBCT (mindfulness based cognitive therapy) course offers us a way to unhook from the grip of stress or anxiety, a different way to be with our experience. Mindfulness skills help us to cope with the stresses and mood shifts…

Spring Mindfulness in Ruddington

Ruddington mindfulness teacher Jakki Pritchard is set to run a Spring Mindfulness FREE ‘taster session’ followed by another eight week course in the Old Chapel at the Framework Knitters’ Museum. She started running her ‘Exercise Mindfulness’ sessions in our village in 2017 year to give locals easy access to what she describes as “an enlightening and life enhancing way to manage our own health and wellbeing”. After the first four courses proved to be so popular she’s now going ahead with a fifth – which she hopes even more Ruddingtonians will…

More Mindfulness for Ruddington

A Ruddington resident has announced she’ll soon be hosting a third ‘mindfulness’ course in our village – after the first two proved to be so popular. Jakki Pritchard started running her ‘Exercise Mindfulness’ sessions here last year to give locals easy access to what she describes as “an enlightening and life enhancing way to manage our own health and wellbeing”. Jakki explains: “Mindfulness means paying attention to what is happening right now in this moment – a non-judgemental awareness of our present experience just as it is. Although on trend, it is…

Mindfulness Reaches Ruddington

You’ve probably heard of ‘mindfulness’ but may not know exactly what it is, nor what it can do? Ruddington resident Jakki Pritchard is hoping to change that by running new courses within our village – so locals have easy access to what she describes as “an enlightening and life enhancing way to manage our own health and wellbeing”. Jakki explains: “Mindfulness means paying attention to what is happening right now in this moment – a non-judgemental awareness of our present experience just as it is. Although on trend, it is scientifically proven to…

Beginner’s Mind: ‘Learn to Meditate & Be Mindful’

Ruddington mindfulness teacher Jakki Pritchardis inviting us to enrol on a4-weekeveningcourse she’s running on Zoom, starting on Tuesday 19th January. Jakki, who is listed with The UK Mindfulness Network / BAMBA,says it will help you learn to meditate and be mindful during these challenging times: “Meditation and mindfulness have never been more important for calming our restless and worried minds – to give us a sense of grounding into the present moment, when everything else can feel so overwhelming and off balance” she explains.”On this introductory course you will learn…

Finding Calm & Steadiness Through Uncertainty

Ruddington resident Jakki Pritchard – who’s well known in our village for her regular Mindfulness courses in the Old Chapel of the Framework Knitters’ Museum – has taken her sessions online during the outbreak of COVID-19 Coronavirus. Jakki is concerned for people’s state of mind whilst confined to their homes – and is hoping these FREE Friday sessions of around 20 minutes on Zoom may be helpful. “This will be a group meditation which is a really nice way of feeling connected to each other” says Jakki. If you’d like…

Remote Meditation in Ruddington

Ruddington resident Jakki Pritchard is already well known in our village for her regular Mindfulness courses in the Old Chapel of the Framework Knitters’ Museum. Sadly the outbreak of COVID-19 Coronavirus reaching our shores, and the resulting lockdown across the UK to try to prevent its spread, means it’s very uncertain when such group activities might be able to resume. However, Jakki’s main concern right now is for people’s state of mind whilst confined to their homes – especially if living alone. She’s particularly worried for the elderly and vulnerable…