Astonishingly the closure of one of Ruddington’s key access routes – which was due to start this Monday (July 24th) – has been postponed for a FOURTH time. Even the yellow signs had gone up on this occasion – before then being taken down again! Flawforth Lane for around 200 metres from the Flawford Churchyard corner up to the Wheatcroft roundabout was originally due to be shut in early February this year for seven weeks. But the improvements were put on hold until other roadworks nearby on the A52 and…
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Gateway Signs Go Up
The installation of Ruddington’s smart new boundary signs, beside the main roads at the five gateways to our village, was completed today. Ruddington Parish Council (RPC) funded and commissioned the signposts to be created by Ruddington-based graphic design agency WigWag. They were then produced by specialist firm Signs of the Times in Leighton Buzzard and put into place today by RM Installations. They brand Ruddington as “The Museums Village” but haven’t replaced the existing signs, which are owned by Nottinghamshire County Council. Instead RPC says they “play a different role by celebrating our culture and heritage”. The bold, watercolour artwork features the Framework Knitters’ Museum and Village Museum buildings, along with…
Read MoreRuddington Traffic Chaos to Continue?
There’s frustration among Ruddington’s road users after 4-way temporary traffic lights suddenly sprang up in our village centre at the weekend. Although it was known the exterior of the Red Lion was due to be repainted there was little advance warning that the impact for motorists would be so severe. New scaffolding erected around the pub is taking a short section of both High Street and Easthorpe Street down to a single lane – meaning that 24-hour signals are needed. Since Sunday there have been severe peak time delays for drivers. Nottingham City Transport‘s Navy 3 and Green 10…
Read MoreGateway Signs Are Go!
Back in January we reported that Ruddington is to get brand new boundary signs beside the main roads at the five gateways to our village. After slight delays in their manufacture Ruddington Parish Council (RPC), who commissioned and funded them, has announced that they are now ready and are due to be installed next week (w/c 17th July). However the new signs won’t replace the existing ones, which are owned by Nottinghamshire County Council. Instead RPC says they will “play a different role by celebrating our culture and heritage”. Created by Ruddington-based graphic design agency WigWag and produced by specialist firm Signs of…
Read MoreNew ‘Phone Mast Approved
Plans to erect a fifty foot tall mobile telecommunications pole at one of our village gateways have been approved by Rushcliffe planners. They were rubber-stamped at a Borough Council meeting on Tuesday night (July 4th) after no objections to the proposals were received. The new structure will appear in the line of trees alongside the Wilford Road cycle path, by the golf course, just as it enters Ruddington. The fifteen metre high mast will support three antennae and a satellite dish, whilst “associated ground based equipment cabinets and ancillary development” is to be be constructed beside it (see diagram). FULL details can…
Read MoreDigging Begins for “Lace Gardens”
Ten months after being granted planning permission by Rushcliffe Borough Council preparations have begun for the construction of another Ruddington housing development. “Lace Gardens” will see another 28 new homes built in Ruddington at the corner of Brookside Road and Woodhouse Gardens – with the demolition of the current Malmic Lace factory building and two existing houses on the site. All but four of the new homes to be built there will be accessed via a single route off Brookside Road. During the consultation process some local residents had objected to the plans – mainly on the basis of increased traffic and parking…
Read MoreNo Flawforth Lane Closure Just Yet
A seven week closure of one of Ruddington’s key access routes is now set to happen at the end of July. Original information from Nottinghamshire Count Council given to indicated that the rescheduled major works along Flawforth Lane would be taking place from next week – Monday the 5th of June until Friday the 28th of July. However an enquiry from Ruddington Parish Council on behalf of has ascertained that the planned dates are now Monday 24th July to Friday 1st September 2017. Originally the closure was due to start in early February this year but the improvements were put on hold…
Read MoreFifty Foot Tall ‘Phone Mast Proposed
Plans have been submitted to erect a fifteen metre high mobile communications pole at one of our village gateways. If given the go-ahead, the new structure will appear in the line of trees alongside the Wilford Road cycle path, by the golf course, just as it enters Ruddington (see aerial photo). The fifty foot mast would support three antennae and a satellite dish, whilst “associated ground based equipment cabinets and ancillary development” would be constructed beside it. The application has been submitted by Clarke Telecom for, and on behalf, of CTIL & Telefonica UK Ltd – who’ve…
Read MoreVillage Centre Road Closure
Ruddington residents and shoppers beware that one of our main village centre streets is out of action this week. Sewer work taking place from Monday 27th March at 9.00am until 11.59pm on Friday 31st March on Charles Street means it is closed to through traffic between its junction with High Street and Church Street. It’s to install better drainage for the new laundrette which is being built inside the former Village Motors premises. Access for residents is being maintained whilst the one-way system is suspended along the rest of the street during the work. However it will deprive visitors of a popular access…
Read MoreFlawforth Lane Closure Expected to be June
A postponed road closure on one of Ruddington’s key access routes now won’t happen until the summer say Nottinghamshire County Council. Revised dates given to indicated that it had been rescheduled to begin next Monday, the 13th of March. But Ruddington Parish Council has advised us that the work has been moved back yet again! A revised schedule now indicates the 5th of June to the 28th of July is most likely. Originally the closure was due to start on Monday 6th February but the improvements were put on hold until roadworks nearby on the A52 and the delayed…
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