Ruddington Parish Council July Meeting

It’s your monthly opportunity to find out what’s happening and have your say on what’s planned in our village. Tonight’s meeting will start at 7.30pm and is being held in St Peter’s Rooms. Ruddington Parish Council (RPC) meetings are open to all, and time is allocated for residents to share views on agenda items. Items under discussion this evening include: To decide whether to apply for planning permission to build a multi-use sports hall on Jubilee Fields on behalf of Ruddington Cricket Club. To decide whether to agree to a ‘match…

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Ruddington Turns Red!

As the Labour Party celebrates a resounding victory in the General Election, one of its biggest wins is here in Rushcliffe – which has been a Conservative stronghold since Kenneth Clarke won back the seat for the Tories in 1970. A turnout of 73.22% yesterday (4th July 2024), saw queues forming outside Ruddington’s two polling stations at the Village Hall and St Peter’s Rooms.  Ballot boxes from here and elsewhere in the constituency were rushed to Rushcliffe Arena, once the polling stations closed at 10pm, for the counting to get underway. At…

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Ruddington Counts Down to The General Election

On Thursday 4th July, voters in Ruddington will get the chance to help choose our next MP to represent us in the Rushcliffe Constituency. With just over two weeks to go, the full list of candidates who’ll be on the ballot paper this time around has been revealed.  In alphabetical order, they are: Ruth Rosamond EDWARDS The Conservative and Unionist Party James Adam GRICE Reform UK Lynn IRVING Independent Richard MALLENDER Green Party James NAISH Labour Party Harbant Kaur SEHRA Independent Greg WEBB Liberal Democrats Further details about all these…

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Ruddington Parish Council May Meeting

It’s your monthly opportunity to find out what’s happening and have your say on what’s planned in our village. The meeting will start at 7.30pm and is being held in St Peter’s Rooms. Ruddington Parish Council (RPC) meetings are open to all, and time is allocated for residents to share views on agenda items. Tonight will see the election of the new Chair for the next 12 months, along with the Vice-Chair and Chairs of the Amenities and Environment & Policy Committees. Additionally the appointment of Councillors to represent RPC in…

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Ruddington Parish Council Meeting

It’s your monthly opportunity to find out what’s happening and have your say on what’s planned in our village. The meeting will start at 7.30pm and is being held in St Peter’s Rooms. Ruddington Parish Council (RPC) meetings are open to all, and time is allocated for residents to share views on agenda items. Items under discussion tonight include: To discuss and respond to the proposed new parking restrictions on Elms Park, Kirk Lane and Easthorpe Street. To decide whether to allow RVCP to apply for a Premises Licence for The…

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Ruddington Parish Council Meeting

It’s your monthly opportunity to find out what’s happening and have your say on what’s planned in our village. The meeting will start at 7.30pm and is being held in St Peter’s Rooms. Ruddington Parish Council (RPC) meetings are open to all, and time is allocated for residents to share views on agenda items. Items under discussion tonight include: Whether or not to support the planning application for a new children’s nursery at ‘Brookside House’ on Brookside Road; and the erection of a new multi-storey office block at ‘Britannia House’ on…

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Labour Landslide in Ruddington

Villagers went to the polls yesterday (4th May 2023), to elect Ruddington’s three representatives on Rushcliffe Borough Council, and the results are now in. With an impressive turnout of 43.1%, the three Labour Party candidates all secured many more votes than their Conservative & Green Party rivals, taking all three available seats. There were seven candidates standing for election in Ruddington Ward, who polled as follows: Name of Candidate Description (if any) Number of Votes* CAVEN-ATACK, Benjamin William commonly known as ATACK, Ben Local Conservatives 776 DICKMAN, Gary Dane Local Conservatives 821 FLETCHER, Graham…

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Ruddington’s Local Election Candidates

With just a fortnight left before we go to the polls on 4th May 2023, all the candidates standing for election here in Ruddington have now been revealed. Once again, villagers will not be asked to vote for any Ruddington Parish Councillors since, disappointingly, only 13 residents put themselves forward for the 16 available seats. These Councillors have already been ‘duly elected’ by the Returning Officer, without a contest. It’s hoped the vacant Parish Council seats – one in Flawford Ward and two in Manor Ward – can be filled by co-option…

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Local Elections Are Looming

With elections for new Ruddington Borough and Parish Councillors taking place on Thursday 4th May 2023, there are a few things villagers may need to do right now in preparation. Firstly, not only do residents need to make sure we are registered to vote, we will also need to have an accepted form of ‘photo ID’ ready to show if voting in person. It follows the UK Government introducing this requirement – which applies for the first time in England at these 4th May polls. Forms of acceptable photo ID, which…

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Ruddington Parish Council Meeting

It’s your monthly opportunity to find out what’s happening and have your say on what’s planned in our village. The meeting will start at 7.30pm and it is held in St Peter’s Rooms. Ruddington Parish Council (RPC) meetings are open to all, and time is allocated for residents to share views on items that are on the agenda. You can find items under discussion from RPC’s agenda and papers for THIS EVENING’s meeting >>HERE<<. All villagers are welcome to attend the last meeting for 2023 tonight. Disclaimer: publish all diary events…

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