New Hedgehog Highways Opened!

Unlike for Ruddington’s road traffic at the moment, progress for one of our nocturnal creatures has just been made a little easier thanks to some generous, nature-loving volunteers from a nearby village. It’s after teamed up with Wild Things Keyworth this summer to ‘Help Our Hedgehogs’  by creating a hedgehog gap in a deserving Ruddington garden – which would be fitted with an especially carved and decorated ‘Ruddington Hedgehog Highway’ surround, too. In the end, the group’s founder, Jennifer Manning-Ohren, agreed with carpenter Simon Dunstan, artist Liz Waddell and chief gap-driller Nick Ellerby they’d…

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Help Our Hedgehogs!

Ruddington wildlife lovers are being encouraged to take action to protect the red listed mammals – with ‘The State of Britain’s Hedgehogs 2022’ report suggesting numbers have declined by 75% in some parts of our country since the year 2000. The increased use of fencing between houses, rather than hedges, has been partly blamed. Besides established hedgerows providing a ‘home’ for the spiky creatures, hedgehogs can also travel up to a mile each night through people’s gardens if the activity of humans still makes this possible. They need around a dozen gardens…

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Ruddington Unchained!

The removal of chains is usually celebrated in society. But not always, it seems, if they are those which used to surround Ruddington’s historic village green! As you can see, perimeter posts now stand with nothing in-between after the decorative but spiky links were taken down in an apparent health and safety move by Ruddington Parish Council. Commenting on Ruddington’s Facebook page resident Nicholas Broadberry said “50 years of chains and countless kids falling over them and now they take them down . What a sad silly world we now live in.”  However it…

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