Dozens More ‘Green Belt’ Houses for Ruddington?

It’s taken almost two years to sell the site, and for developers to put together this full application, but detailed plans have now been submitted to build yet more new homes on former Green Belt land east of Loughborough Road. Chave Planning Ltd has drawn up the Design and Access Statement for land at ‘Croft House’ at 211, Loughborough Road, Ruddington, on behalf of the applicant TH Ruddington Ltd – which is part of national housebuilder Taggart Homes. It’s intended to explain how the site’s ‘environmental constraints and opportunities, the surrounding context, relevant planning policy and outcomes…

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Parish Council will Object to Asher Lane Housing Plan

Ruddington residents are being reminded there’s now just a week left to comment on a revised outline planning application to build a major new housing development off Asher Lane. The scheme for 175 new dwellings on greenbelt land between Ruddington and the Country Park has again been lodged by land owners Space Foods Ltd following their withdrawal last year of a similar application – but for up to 250 houses. ALL the official documents relating to this application can be found >>HERE<<. You can read the background to this story and details of arguments for and against it >>HERE<<. Villagers…

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Another New Homes Plan for Asher Lane

Rushcliffe Borough Council says it’s received revised plans this week to build 175 new dwellings on Ruddington’s greenbelt north of Asher Lane. These have again been lodged by land owners Space Foods Ltd. It follows their first application just over two years ago for 250 houses on the same site.  At that time a public meeting was held by Ruddington Parish Council who pro-actively supported villagers with objections to building there. Ruddington Action Group was also formed to lobby against it. On that occasion 903 comments were received – with 896 people objecting to the proposal and only…

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