Update from the Asher Lane Inquiry

The Public Inquiry into the refusal by Rushcliffe Borough Council to grant planning permission for the building of 175 homes off Asher Lane in Ruddington began yesterday (Tuesday 17th April) at Rushcliffe Arena under the appointed Inspector, Nick Fagan.

After opening speeches by Counsel for both sides, the first person to give evidence was Ruddington Parish Councillor Paul Reedman who made a statement against allowing the appeal, issued jointly by Ruddington Parish Council and Ruddington Action Group, before answering questions from the Inquiry. Rushcliffe Borough Councillors Jean Greenwood, Martin Buckle and John Lungley also spoke against granting planning permission, as did numerous other residents of Ruddington.

Today opened with evidence from Jan Witko, Principal Highways Officer at Nottinghamshire County Council who completed his evidence after the break for lunch. The afternoon session was completed by hearing evidence from other key witnesses.

The Inquiry will adjourn to Ruddington tomorrow (Thursday) when a site visit to Asher Lane and other areas will take place. Other witnesses will also be heard.

The Inquiry is scheduled to finish this Friday back at Rushcliffe Arena.

{TOP PHOTO by Paul Reedman.  BOTTOM PHOTO courtesy of Rushcliffe Borough Council}

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