New Speedwatch Team Spotting Speeding Drivers

Speeding motorists in Ruddington are being monitored by a new volunteer group.

The ‘Community Speedwatch Team’ have been out on their first roadside operations checking on speeding car drivers. They were armed with a speed gun, paperwork, hi-vis jackets plus yellow roadside signs.

During the early morning rush hour this morning (Thursday June 20th) a team in Clifton Lane monitored 1,200 cars in 90 minutes. Two drivers were recorded driving significantly above the 30mph speed limit. One was going at 39mph, the other at 41mph. Many pedestrians, cyclists and drivers voiced or signalled their appreciation to the speed watchers.

{Photos above & top courtesy of Pam Pearce}

Ann, a volunteer from this morning, said: “There was lots of bonhomie among the crew, pedestrians and drivers and very little ‘signalling’ from unhappy drivers. I really enjoyed the experience.”

Last week another team set up in two locations in Easthorpe Street on Friday evening June 14th. During that two-hour stint, 307 cars and motorbikes were monitored. The vast majority of the drivers slowed as soon as they spotted the signs but three drove above the speed limit and registration numbers were taken.

The forms, which are sent to Nottinghamshire Police, ask for reg numbers, colour, make and model of car, time and the speed they were travelling.

Volunteer Margaret Burrell said: “We got a lot of positive comments from motorists and people walking by. Many were angry about speeding in the village, had seen high speed car crashes in Easthorpe Street and had suggestions about other suitable locations for monitoring.”

Margaret adds: “Easthorpe Street was a good place to start, as it is being used as a cut-through by drivers avoiding the roadworks at the Loughborough Road and Kirk Lane junction. Drivers are ignoring the ‘no right turn’ sign on Loughborough Road. That is a matter for the police.”

It seems many drivers are also flouting the “no right turn” rule here

Ruddington Parish Council clerk Claire Dorans, who organised the training with Nottinghamshire Police for the nine volunteers, said she was pleased the sessions had started.

Claire Dorans

She said: “The volunteers braved the rain last week to do a great job at checking the speeding traffic. The signs acted as a deterrent as we wanted. Our volunteers have a list of streets for the coming sessions. We are looking to hold more training by Notts Police later in the year so please get in touch with the parish office at if you wish to help.”

The volunteers’ actions cannot be used for prosecutions, but police write to the drivers to alert them to the results of the Speedwatch Team and keep their details on file.

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