It seems that Space Foods Limited has now found a property developer willing to take on the building of an approved major new Ruddington housing estate on its land north of Asher Lane.

This Green Belt site was the subject of a long battle by village residents, Ruddington Action Group and Ruddington Parish Council to prevent housing development. After lengthy public consultations it didn’t make it into the original Rushcliffe Borough Council (RBC) Local Plan Part 2 and outline planning permission was rejected by the Borough Council – before being allowed on appeal by a Government Planning Inspector. A second appeal over RBC’s refusal of access via Musters Road was then also allowed by another Government Planning Inspector – paving the way for the site to be a more attractive proposition for a prospective developer. It has subsequently been added to RBC’s total of Ruddington Green Belt homes (as Policy 6.4) – which has more than doubled from a proposed 250 to 525 new houses since the protracted process first began.
Now RBC has received a reserved matters application from Avant Homes (Midlands) for outline permission 18/00300/OUT “…to seek approval of the access, appearance, landscaping, layout and scale for the development of 175 new dwellings”. The layout map below (click to enlarge) would seem to indicate these comprise 53 one to three bedroomed “affordable” houses and 122 three to five bedroomed “market” houses over a total of 15.89 acres.
On its website, Avant Homes claims to be “…the fastest growing housebuilder in the UK.” It says: “Our vision is to transform the UK housebuilding sector through the constant advancement and innovation of our brand and product, to provide buyers with increasingly better lifestyles, homes and places to live.” All the documents associated with its Asher Lane application can be found >>HERE<<.
Public comments on these outline plans 18/00300/OUT are being welcomed via RBC’s Planning Portal up until the deadline of Tuesday 17th September. Please note that these observations must be on the specifics of the proposals – since the principle of building 175 dwellings on this Green Belt site, with access from Musters Road, have already been approved at Government level and so these will not be valid grounds for any objection.