Ruddington resident Jakki Pritchard is already well known in our village for her regular Mindfulness courses in the Old Chapel of the Framework Knitters’ Museum. Sadly the outbreak of COVID-19 Coronavirus reaching our shores, and the resulting lockdown across the UK to try to prevent its spread, means it’s very uncertain when such group activities might be able to resume.
However, Jakki’s main concern right now is for people’s state of mind whilst confined to their homes – especially if living alone. She’s particularly worried for the elderly and vulnerable householders in our village who have been warned by Public Health England it’s no longer safe for them to venture out at all – a situation which is likely to last for months.
“I would like to help the local community as much as possible over this difficult time to manage their mental health” says Jakki. “Meditation is a useful way of grounding and calming ourselves when we feel anxious, stressed or down. It helps us to take care of ourselves. I would like to offer FREE 10-minute phone meditations to anyone who may wish. We’d simply sit and I would guide a simple and peaceful meditation to focus on the breath and body. It helps to settle and calm the mind and body in such unsettling times.”
Jakki has filmed us a short video to explain more…
Jakki is putting aside set times for these sessions, which are:
- Monday 10.00-11.00am
- Wednesday 12.30-1.30pm
- Friday 1.00-1.30pm
These can be carried out via Facebook Live, Skype or Zoom – if you have any of these options available to you – otherwise just over the telephone.
Jakki adds: “The meditations are to help local people manage their mental health, regain some balance and stability in these overwhelming times. Meditation is a wonderful way to nourish yourself and take care of yourself. The sessions will be for 10 minutes, but if people allow 15mins this gives us chance for a chat either side. I teach exercise and fitness, too, so could also help with gentle exercise ideas for the home.”
Obviously these individual sessions are subject to availability. However, every Friday, Jakki is also trialling ‘group’ meditation sessions on Zoom starting at 12.30pm. This is also FREE. You will need to access Zoom with this week’s specific Zoom Meeting ID which Jakki will provide >>HERE<<. This will prompt you to download the app if you do not already have it – however you can take part as a guest and do not need to sign up for an account unless you wish to.
Alternatively, Jakki is also doing ‘live’ 10 minute meditations via a dedicated ‘ExerciseMindfulness COVID-19 Facebook Support Group’ page which you can join >>HERE<<.
Please book yourself in, in advance, by emailing or calling/texting her on 07730187310. You can also find out more at

{Please note that, for those suffering from severe mental health issues, this may not be the avenue. You should instead seek continued support from your Therapist or HealthCare professional.}