The organisers of a popular, village weekend – which takes place only every other year – say programmes for this summer’s event are now on sale.
Ruddington Open Gardens 2024 is being held on Saturday and Sunday 1st and 2nd June from 2pm until 6pm. This time around, 13 private gardens around the village will open for viewing, plus the gardens at The Cottage Hotel and behind the Debbie Bryan Gallery on High Street. Hareham Gardens and Paradise Gardens allotments will also be open to the public.
‘Live’ music is being promised on both afternoons at Ruddington Methodist Church, alongside an art demonstration, a flower arranging demonstration and refreshments available at various locations. Plants, ice creams, cakes, preserves, mushrooms and honey will be on sale and there will also be games and a tombola.
For the kids, there’s a free children’s trail and also, for the first time this year, organisers are inviting youngsters to enter a miniature garden competition. Prizes will be awarded to the best entry in each of three age groups: under 5, 5-7 and 8 +. Any children wanting to enter should make sure their name and contact details are on their garden and then deliver their entry to Janice Abrahamson, at 52 Kirk Lane, on Friday 31st May (4pm onwards) or during the morning of Saturday 1st June. Each entry will receive a certificate and some sweets.

Programmes, including a village map, priced at £5.00 and covering both the Saturday and Sunday, are on sale between now and the event at Thomas James Estate Agents on High Street and various other locations in the village. Look out for the posters!
Organiser Jane Piggott says: “We very much hope that it will be as successful as the previous event in 2022, when we were able to send over £2000 to each of our two charities, Save the Children and Action for Children. Please do support this charity event if you are able to; we would love to see you!”
During the weekend before the Open Gardens we will also be able to buy programmes from Ruddington Co-op and, on 1st June, they will be sold at the Framework Knitters’ Museum and Ruddington Co-op. All participating gardens will have programmes for sale on both days so villagers and visitors can start the trail at any point.